King's Business - 1942-02


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


40 And T b esou gh t tliy d iscip les to feast him o u t; and they cou ld not. 41 A nd Jesus answ ering: said, O fa ith ­ less "ond p erv erse gen era tion , h ow lon g sh a ll I be w ith y o u , and s u ffe r y o u r B rin g thy son hither. 42 A nd as he w as yetv.a com in g , the devil th re w him d ow n , and tare him . And Jesu s rebukeh the unclean spirit, and healed th e ch ild , and d elivered him again to b is fa th er. 43 And they w ere all amassed at the m ig h ty p o w e r o f. God. LESSON T E X T : L k. 9:28-43a. GOLDEN T E X T : “ And th ey w ere all amassed at .th e m ig h ty p o w e r o f God ^ D E ^ O T I O J i A L R E A D IN G ! John 12120-28. _______ Outline and Exposition I.' T he G lory of H is P erson (28-36) ■ HE TRANSFIGURATION ' p r e ­ sents a picture of the perfect Man being revealed. It occurred as He was praying (vs. 28, 29). The glory that was visible on that occasion was but the perfection of Christ’s inner life, the beauty of His human soul, shining through the veil of flesh. It was not His deity—the Only Begotten could not be transfig­ ured—but it was His humanity that shone forth. Perhaps it was an ear­ nest of the future glorious body. Moses and Elijah appeared with Him (vs. 30-32). Both of these men had been with God on a mountain (Ex. 3:1; 1 Ki. 19:8); both fasted forty days (Ex. 34:28; 1 Ki. 19:8); both mi­ raculously divided waters (Ex. 14:21; 2 Ki. 2:8), and both had been mes­ sengers to kings (Ex. 3:10; 1 Ki. 18:1). Moses represented the law, as its giver and founder: Elijah represented the prophets, as the law’s vindicator. They talked with Jesus of His soon-coming death, an event to which all the Old Testament pointed (cf. 1 Pet. 1:11). Jesus could have gone at once to the glory by virtue of what He was in Himself, and so avoided the cross. But had He done so, He would have to go without either His kingdom or His people; these could be secured only through the sufferings of the cross. Peter interrupted, not knowing what he said. By suggesting that a taber­ nacle be made for Moses, he was im­ plying that the disciples could do what the law demanded; by the re­ quest for a tabernacle for Elijah, he was saying in effect that tljey could know-all the prophets declared, and by the proposal of a tabernacle for Jesus, he was insinuating that they could be all'that He wa$! While Peter spoke, there came, a voice out of the cloud, saying, “This is my beloved Son" the fulfillment of Psalm 2:7, and “Hear him,” the fulfillment of Deuteroffomy 418:15-18. The former speaks of the king, the latter of the prophet. The Lord Jesus does not in any sense contradict the vOld Testament, but fulfills it, and thus supersedes all who went before

“ W a t t im e W a rn in g s to C h r is t ia n s ” This is the first article in the February, 1942, issue of

PROPHECY MONTHLY Here is a taste of other titles and topics it contains: • “ How Can America Claim God’s Favor?” ■by Dr. John F. MacArthur • “ The Harvest from the Protocols” by Dr. Joseph H . Cohn • “Disillusioned Prophetic Teachers” y by Dr. Keith L. Brooks • “ Yellow Aryans” • “ God’s Blackouts” • “ The Hitler Chamber” Trial Offer, 4 months, 25 cents

Keith L. Brooks, D.D. Editor

1 Year Subscription, $1.00; Current Issue, 10 cents. Write today. FREE__Write for free Bulletin of the finest bqoks and pamphlets In prophetic and doctrinal literature—fundamental in every respect. Sent on request. AMERICAN PROPHETIC LEAGUE, INC. 4747-4751 Townsend Avenue Los Angeles, Calif. President__Dr. Keith L. Brooks Vice President—Evangelist Britton Boss Executive Secretary—Gordon E. Pelton

Him. Moreover, He completes the full revelation from and of God to Human beings. n. T he G race of H is P ower (37-43a) When they had come down from the mountain, immediately there ap­ peared a need for supernatural power (vs. 37-40). Here was one under the control of a demon, and the disciples had no potency to bring about deliv­ erance. With a rebuke that indicated the reason for the powerlessness of the disciples, that is, the lack of faith and prayer, Jesus commanded the demonized person to be brought to Him (v. 41). It is remarkable that the presence of Jesus usually soothed and quieted the sick and troubled, but disturbed ansi enraged the de­ mons. As the boy was being brought, the demon gave a last manifestation of how it had tormented him, by throwing him to the ground in fearful convulsions (v. 42). Unbelief produc­ ing prayerlessness, and faithlessness producing powerlessness, are the two things that give Satan and his -de­ mons their power. When the boy was before Jesus, He spoke the word of power, the demon was driven out, and quietness and calm ensued. All who saw the trans­ formation were astonished by the ex­ hibition of power, or “the majesty of God” , (v.,43a, R. V.), though no word of accepting Jesus is recorded. Merely to be astonished at the power of God flowing through the Lord Jesus is not enough. Simple faith in •Christ as Saviour will bring not only amaze­ ment but also eternal life and glory. Points and Problems 1, "And it came to pass" (Lk. 9:28). It cannot be repeated too often that

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