King's Business - 1942-02

WILLARD HOTEL located at left of Bible Institute and next to Los Ange l e s Public Library park, is oper­ ated as ahigh-class

February, 1942


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

B*ut Here he turned his head and saw his king! Yes, it was his king!—stand­ ing sentry duty with him—sharing in the eve r y experience of his soldiers. For two hours behind him, motionless, stood his monarch, and in that interval, as the soldier thought and prayed, came faith, faith in God through Christ. The presence of his king, silent yet so near, had brought to him faith in the presence and personality of God. —THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES. prayer, that prayer will not be’ a mon­ ologue, but will of a necessity be a dialogue—for we shall have to “wait on the Lord.” The response of the Lord is certain tq give new1direction to the conversation and thus enlarge the area of our thought. 2. Read the Word of God (Eph. 3:4; Rev. 1:3). 3. Search the Word to know the will of the Lord for your life (John 5:39; 14:21,J23, 24). We will wish to do this if we have love within our hearts for God. Today there is too little “search­ ing” done. It is our duty to read the Scriptures; and God’s special blessing is on those who search out His Word. For the Leader Ask the group to find out from the church members who confb from vari­ ous walks of life how and where they can best pray. For example, a farmer may bpst pray in the field (cf. Gen. 24:63—the verb for “to meditate” can be translated “ to pray” ). Make it plain that , the command to “ pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17) im­ plies that prayer is to be a process as natural and habitual as breathing. Many times the Christian will need to discipline himself to pray under ad­ verse conditions, even when sur-

Unsee n. In World War I, a certain Belgian soldier had received a Gospel at the Front. He read of God, but because he could not see Him, he Could not believe in His reality and in His omnipresence. But he longed to be­ lieve. One night at the Yser he was on sentry duty. As he was alone in the presence of danger, his thoNights turned again to God. If only he could believe! As he thought, he Was aware of some one behind him, yet he feared to look. At last and the like. These and many more of God’s characterizations represent corresponding needs in our own lives, needs which will be met in our lives as we worship in accordance with the Word of God / Worship will mold our lives. Before we may worship, we must acknowl­ edge our sin, oftentimes needing to right a wrong first. Not only must we acknowledge our sin, but we must re­ pent of it (Psa. 66:18; Prov. 28:13; 1 John 1:9; cf. Rom. 4:7). Then, and then only, may we hold converse with our God. II. THE SPECIFIC PLACE FOR PRI­ VATE WORSHIP. 1. Christ has commended private prayer (Matt. 6:5-8). Let us ask our­ selves, “Are prayerless Christians gen­ uine Christians?” I say, “No.” Sunday prayers are not enough, but we need private prayer as well. It is hard to find a place today where no mortal eye can see you as you there pour out your heart to the Almighty. But we must earnestly seek that quiet place, whether it be found in a “closet” (Matt. 6:6) or by “rising up a great while before day” to go “ out . . into a solitary place” (Mk. 1:35). We deal with an all-knowing God who f wants no formality or affectation, but simplicity. 2. Christ has set the example of pri­ vate prayer (Matt. 14:23; Mk. 6:46; 14:32; Lk. 6:12; 9:28). III. OUR PRIVATE WORSHIP MUST COME FROM THE HEART. 1. Approach God in the right atti­ tude of heart. May the Lord bring to ¿our remembrance the things in our ' lives which should not be there, as we ' think of the different parts of a heart­ searching prayer: a. Adoration (Matt. 6:9). b. Praise (1 Chron. 29:13). c. Thanksgiving (Phil. 4:6; Psa. 95:2).

temperance hotel. Next to Church of the Open Door. Surrounded by a Christian environment that as­ sures a safe, comfortable, and exclusive place to stop. 13 stories of fireproof construction. liATES: Room and P r i v a t e Ba t h $30.00 to $50.00 per month ~

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THREE SACRED PIANO SOLOS WITH VARIATIONS “There’s A Wideness In God’s Merc/* “ Blessed Be the Fountain” “Safe in the Arms of Jesus” Classical arrangements. Each with an original introduction. Rich harmonies. Striking progres­ sions. Brilliant cadenzas. Chimes. Modulations. Minor, and other effects. Figured for teaching. For Piano Solo: Prelude: Voluntary: Radio per­ formance. Each 35c. All three for $1.00, post­ paid. Order from GORDON E. HOOKER 558 So- Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif.


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Propaganda That Pays •Rev. A. B. Baez conducts two Spanish Sun­ day schools, and edits the Society’s Spanish periodical, MANZANeAS DE ORO, with a cir­ culation of nineteen thousand. This publication does Its Dart' to bring the United States and the Republics of South' America nearer to­ gether. It is read eagerly .by Spanish children and adults; loaned to neighbors, it counteracts the atheistic and communistic attitude of adult's. Often it is the only Christlah material .¡.vai’able. Annuitants share' in this work.

d. Confession (Isa. 6:5). e. Petition (Phil. 4:6).


f. Intercession (Jas. 5:16). g. Dedication (Psa. 116:14 ) .i If these characteristics are in our



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