King's Business - 1942-02

"I MUST HELP THE JEWS" “Everything I have seems going or gone—yet I Must Help the Jews.” Thus wrote a child of God.whose soul had been stirred to its depths be­ cause of the tragic condition of the Jews throughout the world. “ I Must Help the Jews!” Deaf child of God, they are still God’s people, beloved for the fathers’1 sakes; and because you have been born again, you love what He loves; and you know that He still loves Israel with an everlasting love. “I Must Help the Jews!” Driven like cattle and h u n t e d animals, through the fields and forests of Europe; Jewish girls mutilated, the borderlands of Germany teeming with thousands of Jewish refugees who have stumbled their way through the bloody attacks of Nazi hate to any possible spot somewhere in the wide, wide world where the least and slen­ derest hope of shelter might lie,- but always told to “move on!”—what a Christianity for the Jews to gaze upon! “I Must Help the' Jews!” In the face of such a crisis, may God_help His true Church to awake! May we who are truly His fill to the full our ipeaspre of duty in behalf of a peo­ ple now facing the spectacle bf a world civilization organizing in solid mass for the greatest outburst of Jew-hate the world has ever known! Dear Reader, will you say “I, Too, Must Help the Jews” ? Help us to tell them “These things you ha\e suf­ fered are not things which Christians do!” This is an S.O.S. It is Israel’s eleventh hour. So swiftly does the world, cataclysm move, this may be the last call before the trumpet blows, and you will be face to face with a Christ who may look into your eyes and ask, “What have you done for these, my brethren?” Matt. 25:40. AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSION’S TO THE .JEWS, INC. 31 Throop Avenue Brooklyn, N. V. I do want ,to help the Jews. Here Is $.................................. Use It as God directs, to rwajte known - the saving power of the Lord Jesus Christ‘to Israel.

February, 1942

THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NE SS The King i Business The True-to-the-Bible Family Magazine The Official Organ of THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. LOUIS T. T A L BO T • M IL D R E D M. COOK E d lto r-In -C lile i M an agin g E d itor


M otto: “ Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood " / (Rev. 1:5).


February, 1942

Number 2


Ransom D. Marvin, Staff Artist America Enters 1942.................................................................................. 42 Around the King’s Table— Editorial. .................................................... . 43 Significance of the News — Dan Gilbert ................... .............................. . 43 Beginning at the Sknctuary— E. Schuyler E n g l i s h ......................... 45 An Uncertain Financial Future — Arnold Grunigen, Jr,.. ........................ 46 Shall a Christian Go to Law?— R. G, L eT ourneau as told to Albert W , Lorimer ............. 1.................................................... .............. 48 ‘‘The Bible for Today ”— Editorial Book Review......... ............................ 51 International Lesson Commentary..,............ ........................... .................... . 52 Notes on Christian Endeavor —-Paul R, Bauman, Vivian R. Weld, ■Wilda A . M iller , Jeannette B. Kraft, and Wilbert A . Regier........ 64 Junior King’s Business — Martha S. H o o k e r .............................. .............. 69 Daily Devotional Readings....................... .......... :............................ .............. ^ 1 Bible Institute Family Circle..................................................... ......... 76 Our Literature Table............................... ......... .— ....— ......... ........... ........ 77 SUBSCRIPTION PHlCifli "T h e K in g ’s B usin ess" is published m onthly, $1.00—-bn e yea r: $1 50— tw o y e a rs ; 50 ce n ts—six m on th s; 10 cen ts— sip g le cop y . C lubs o f th ree or m ore at special ra tes: w rite fo r détails. C anadian and fo re ig n su b scrip tion s 25 cen ts extra. It req u ires one m onth fo r a ch an ge o f address to becom e e ffe ctiv e . Pi]ease send both old and new addresses. REMITTAJMCI ü — P a ya b le in advance, should be m ade by ban k d ra ft, exp ress or p ost o ffic e m oney ord er paya b le to "T h e K in g ’s B usiness.” D ate o f exp ira tion will show plain ly each m onth on ou tsid e w rapper or co v e r o f m agazine. A D V E R T IS IN G— F o r in form a tion w ith referen ce to a d v e rtisin g in "T h e K in g 's B usiness,” address the A d vertisin g M anager. 558 South H ope Street. Los A ngeles, Calif., or our eastern rep resen ta tive, R elig iou s Press A ssocia tion ; 1601 C hestnut S t, Philadelph ia, Pa. MANUSCRIPTS-— " T h e -K in g ’s B u sin ess” câ n n ot a ccep t re sp o n sib ility fo r..lo ss or d am age to m an u scrip ts sent to it fo r con sid era tion . \ E ntered as se co n d -cla ss m atter N ovem ber 7, 1938, at the p ost o ffic e at Los A n g e le s C -iliforn ia,^un der the A ct o f M arch 3. 1879 A ccep ta n ce fo r m ailing at special raté o f p osta ge provided fqi in the A ct o f F ebruary 28, 1925. em ­ bodied in paragraph 4,‘ s e c tio n -538 P. L. and R., au th orized O ctober 1, 1918, and N ovem ber 13, 1938. THE KING’ S BUSINESS 5 5 8 South Hope Street • Los Angeles* California INFORMATION FOR SUBSCRIBERS

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