King's Business - 1942-02

February, 1942



tion God had planned for His people who had sprinklepl the blood of the Passover lamb on the doors of their ¿funes At last it drew to a close. The children breathed a deep sigh as they realized it was finished. Then the teacher Said softly, “Do you remember the song we were sing- , ing? God has given us our precious Lord Jesus to be our Saviour, and as the lamb was the protection God gave His people on the dark night of the Passover, so the Lord Jesus ■became"-’ óur protection by dying on the cross to save us from our sins. He wants us each one to accept Him as our own dear Saviour and be glad. He belongs to us and we belong to Him. You do not need to tell rpe, but | hope you will, when you accept Jesus as your own Saviour.” ’ Then she q u i c k l y bowed her head and prayed for Maria and all the other boys and girls in that, hospital ward. “I’ll be coming again, Maria, next Sunday and every Sunday that you have to stay here, and I will be glad to see all of you boys and girls who aré here then. Good-bye.” “Good-bye, Teacher,” they all called. And “ Good-bye, Teacher,” whispered . Maria, reaching for her hand. “Thank you for coming. I want you to know that .today I myself have taken our 'Lord Jesus fo Saviour. I am so happy now. And I am not going to feel lonely any more.” [iV/iss France (Biola ’2k) 'has served as a jnissonary\ in the Philippine Islands , under the Association of Baptists for World Evan­ gelism .] Memory Work Why was John’s Gospel written? John 20:31: “But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the-Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through. his name.” Why gain the world? Mark 8:36: “Foy what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain thg-whole rworld, and lose his own soul?” How will God supply all of the Christian’s need? Philippians 4:19; “But my God shall -supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” [ Continued on Page 74] How to Join thé K. Y. B. Club 7“. T o b ecom e a m em ber o f the K n ow Y our B ib le C lub, read th rou gh the G ospel a c­ cording: to John, using; eith ei y o u r o w n ’ B ible or a G ospel o f John w h ich w ill be sent upon request. W hen the G ospel lias been read, and a statem en t to this e ffe ct, sig n ed b y parent or ^ lin d ay -sr hool teach ­ er, has been sent to th e K ditor o f the J u n ior K in g ’s B usin ess, a K . Y. B. C. pin w ill be m ailed. S u n d a y-sch ool classes or clu bs d e sirin g to ord er ten . or mort» G o sp e ls, o r pins m ay w ish -t o share the co s t o f these su pplies, .as (he Lord d i­ re c ts : G ospels, p ostpaid, fiv e cen ts each — in quantity, th ree ce n ts; pins, w ithout p osta ge, tw o cen ts each. H ow ever, no one is to do w ith ou t a G ospel or pin because o f la ck o f m on ey. A d d ress; J u n ior K inK 's B usiness, 558 S. H op e St., L os A n geles, C alif.

she cried in surprise, “How did you happen to come here?" “ Oh, Maria,” Jauglied the teacher, “we missed you very much this -morn­ ing, and I asked the other children why it was that you di’d not come to our class. They said you were sick here in the hospital; so I planned to visit you today and teach you the story the others learned this morning, and perhaps the nurse will' let us learn one of the new songs. Would you like to?” , ’ “Teacher, I would like it very much,” Maria answered, / ‘more than anything else I can think about. I was even Crying just now to think I alone had to miss the nice class, but when I opened my eyes you Were right here.” Just then the nurse passed by and Teacher called to her, “Nurse, is it permitted that we should teach Maria a little song her class learned this morning when she could not be there? We will sing very quietly and not dis­ turb the others,” “Why I am sure the others would not be disturbed at all. I believe if they hear Maria learning a new song, the other children will want to learn it with her. Go right ahead. It'will be all right. I am glad Maria has a friend to stay awhile with hef,” answered the friendly nurse as she hurried on to help some one who had called her. “Let us begin with the song we learned last Sunday,” suggested the teacher. The two of them sang to­ gether the words; “ Jesus loves me; this I know, For the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong; They are weak, but He is strong.” While they were singing, one little girl in a wh?el chair rolled herself near the bed and watched and lis­ tened, and two small bpys on crutches came and stood near by. When the verse was finished, the teacher looked around at the others; and smiled and said,. “We are- going’ to learn a new verse to this song today; would you like to iearn it, too?” At first the others were shy, but the girl in the wheel chair joined Maria in the new words: . Soon a number of other children had joined the singing, some from their beds and others coming to sit near the teacher. When the song had been sung sev­ eral times, the -readier said “Now, boys and girls, 1 have a story to tell Maria, and you all may listen, too.’' Soon teacher and pupils were deep in the story of the Passover night in Egypt and the wonders of the protee- “Jesus loves me, He who died Heaven’s gate to open wide. He will wash, away my sin, Bid His little child come in.”

How near he was to that heavenly home at that moment, Big Brother did not know. For just then the truck on which - he was traveling turned over, and Big Brother lay pinned beneath heavy machinery. As he lay with the weight crushing his legs, he cried to God with all his heart to spare him to look after his family. Bible verses which he had studied with' the evan­ gelist ran through his mind: “\^hat time I am afraid, I will trust In thee.” “I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever.” j - “Make haste, O God, to deliver me; make haste to help me, O Lord.” “I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.” “And the Lord heard my cry,” Big Brother wrote back to the evangelist, “for my legs were not even broken, and I shall always remember ‘Whaf time I am afraid, I will trust in thee’.” Singing in the Hospital > B y B e t h e l F r a n c e M ARIA felt very lonely. For who lived in the Philippine Islands. Her mother was busy at home with her baby brother and could not come to s'it all day with Maria as the little sick girl had wished. All the other children in the hospital ward had friends or relatives to watch over them and get the things they wanted; these outside guests even slept right there on a mat at night. But Maria had no one to care for her when the nurse was b’usv. When the visiting hours permitted other friends and relatives, she had hoped some one would come to see her, but for three days she had. waited in vain, Several big tears trickled through Maria’s closed eyelids and down into her pillow. “Surely no one is all alone as I am,” she thought mournfully to herself. “And today the teacher must have come again, just as she promised, to teach the boys and girls at home more of those lovely sohgs rnd the w^rds that she said were from the Bible, the Book of God. Now I am the only one who will miss all those things.” Her tears flowed faster as she thought about it. She dearly loved her Bible class teacher, a Filipino young woman who was a student in a Bible school in the city. . Maria was so busy feeling sorry fqr herself that she hardly heard the voice beside her bed saying softly, “Maria?” But in a minute the voice repeated her name, “Maria?” and h 4c ; eyes opened Wide and she looked straight into the smiling eyes Of the teacher herself. Quickly she tried. to rub the teardrops from her eyes while

three whole days she had been at the Mission hospital alone. Maria was a small Filipino girl

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