King's Business - 1942-02

February, 1942



for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:13, 14). “To me to live is Christ,” and yet the days Are days of toiling men; How is it that this base unsightly life Can yet be Christ alone? Then saw I how before a Master wise A shapeless stone was set; He said, “Therein a form of beauty lies, Though none yet.” —Suso. 17. Purified by Flome “The bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed” (Ex. 3:2). Then the bush was purified by the flame. Everything burned away ex­ cept the bush itself. Every worm, every insect, every bug, all fungi and all foreign matter were turned quick­ ly to ashes as soon as the fire touched them. The little bush stood clean in that awful flame so pure as to be a fit habitation for God. God’s indwell­ ing presence is the best purifier . . . That is the only kind of holiness the Bible knows anything about, the holi­ ness imparted by the presence of God in the soul.—A. W. Tozer. x ■ ___ _ _ 18. Accepting Grief “A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief” (Isa. 53:3). Jesus Christ did not go about His work from a cold sense of duty, but His own heart drew Him out toward those He helped and saved. His deeds of mercy cost Him something more than the sacrifice of leisure and the expenditure of effort and power. They cost Him heartaches. He made other men’s sorrows His own sorrows, and other men’s agony His own agony, other men’s sin and shame His own sin and shame. . . . Men cannot be saved by burning words—no, only by bleeding hearts.—R. A. Torrey. 19. Sacred Paradoxes “The abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality’-’ (2 Cor. 8:2). Here we have a sacred paradox, in which the deepest poverty and afflic­ tion overflow into the highest joy and generosity. These are paradoxes that only grace can explain. “God loveth a cheerful giver” (-2 Cor. 9:7). The word expresses the most exuberant joy, and is the Greek word “hilarious.” It Is indeed true that we never find the heights, of spiritual happiness until we touch the fountain of sacrifice. —A. B.-Simpson. 20. In Sure Expectancy “Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away” (Cant. 2:10)^ Thy church has waited long, dear Lord, Thy lovely face to see;

She waits in sure expectancy, Thy loving Bride to be. She’s very weary now, dear Lord, And longs to hear Thee say: Arise, My' fair one, come, My love; Rise up, and come away. —Isabella Page. 21. In the Cleft of the Rock “Trust ye in the Lord for ever; for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength [R.V. mSrgin, ‘a rock of ages’] ” (Isa. 26:4). Protection is the lesson of the coney —or Syrian hyrax. It is without horns, tusks, claws, or tail with which to de­ fend itself. It is unable, too, to burrow itself a shelter in the ground. It finds its dwelling place in the cleft of the rock. How like the sinner who is conscious of his utter inability to match his spiritual enemies — the world, the flesh, and the devil! He flees to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Rock of Ages. —Tom M. Olson. Why not followtheexampleof 800 leading Sunday School, wholast year adopted the ALL BIBLE Graded Ser ies of Sunday School Lessons CLARENCE H. BENSON, Editor-in-chief Mail coupon for free sample o f these lessons to which an aroused America is eagerly turning. Adopted by thousands o f schools...a wonderful testimony to their teaching ease, youth appeal and spiritual power. These many schools form erly used oth er lessons. They adopted this series only after investi­ gation and often after a test in one department. The success o f its use has spread enthusiastically. Consider These Features:

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