King's Business - 1942-02



February, 1942

chapters in all. The, comments on. “The Judgment Seat of Christ” would, in themselves, be worth the price of the book. -141 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.00. Not Now But Afterwards By James McGinlay 7" Whoever has heard this dynamic young Scotsman preach — and al­ though he is Pastor of the Central Baptist Church, London, Ontario, Can­ ada, his evangelistic ministry has been extensive—will hear him again as the pages of this book are read. His unique style and his sparkling wit are here. Seven s u b j e c t s are dealt with: “Not Now, . but After­ wards,” “Sonship and Discipleship,” “Why God Leaves Us in the World,” “Spiritual Invalids,” “Should a Chris­ tian Go to War?” “The Woman with the Five Husbands,” and “He That Overcometh.” T h e r e i s f o o d f o r thought in every chapter. 147 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids,' Mich. Cloth. Price $1.00. Rest Awhile By Vance Havner Written in the tone and manner of his delightful By the Still Waters, Vance Havner’s present book is-a col­ lection of brief meditations on every­

day concerns. The restfulness of a quiet Carolina homestead pervades the writing, but more than that, the sure refreshing of Christ’s own presence is offered in every page. The com­ ments are heightened with touches of humor; they will be a tonic for discouraged souls. 96 pages. Revell Co., New York. Cloth. Price $1.00. Looking Unto Him By Frank E. Gaebelein Appearing regularly in three pub­ lications, with an estimated reading public of between 40,OOCL and 50,000 persons, the daily- devotional com­ ments that Dr. Gaebelein has been preparing for years have found a grateful audience. The best of his work along this line is presented in this book. The paragraphs (each based on a passage of Scripture) com­ bine personal directness, comfort, and teaching. The author’s spirit that dominates all the w r i t i n g is ex­ pressed in the Preface when he says: “To turn to the Bible time and again for the express purpose of finding some truth worthy of sharing with others, thus to write close to two thou­ sand different messages, a n d yet never to be disappointed in the Book, is an unforgettable experience of the inexhaustibility of the Word of God.” 208 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.00.

Arnold's Practical Commentary B. L. Omstead, Editor Planned to give within the compass of one handy volume, “ a balanced treatment” for each lesson of the year, this Practical Commentary furnishes explanatory notes, à discussion 6f the lesson, questions, practical applica­ tions, illustrations a n d sidelights, blackboard drawings,''"and individual departmental helps. The book has several of pertinent “editorials,” a B i b l e dictionary covering names used in the year’s study, charts, and maps. This forty-eighth annual vol­ ume will be welcomed by thoughtful teachers. 237 pages. Light and Life Press, Winona Lake, Ind. Cloth. Price $ 1 . 00 . The Triplets Over J. O. Y. By Bertha B. Moore Four other books have preceded this one in the series about the lovable; Baer children—and all of them will delight y o u n g readers, especially those of eight to twelve years. In this book, the triplets become radio “ artists,” they have their pictures In the daily papers, and they have fun entertaining summer visitors. Chris­ tian parents will welcome the whole­ some tone that is sustained through­ out the waiting. 79 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids,. Mich. Cloth. Price 50 cents.

%' HELPFUL SCR IPTURAL WRIT INGS THE FOUR HUNDRED SILENT YEARS A historical account of the period between. Malachi and Matthew. Paper.......... 30c; cloth............ 75c DR. H. A. IRONSIDE is one of the leading Bible expos­ itors of the day. He is pastor of the Moody Memorial £hurch in Chicago, Illinois. Listed here are some of his works. SAILING WITH PAUL Simple papers for young Christians. An excellent book covering con­ version, forgiveness, -the Lord’s Sup­ per, etc. Paper.......... 20c; cloth...............60c

REVELATION Dr. Ironside’s popular lectures on the Book of Revelation. Complete with chart. Paper.......... 75c; cloth........,.$1.50 PROVERBS A practical verse-by-verse exposition. Valuable to put in the hands of young men—profitable for all. . s- Cloth binding only................. $1.50


DANIEL This volume contains Dr. Ironside’s complete, lectures on Da n i e l the prophet, with illustrative chart. Paper.......... 60c; cloth..........$1.25 MYSTERIES OF GOD The “Secret Things,” “Stewards of the Mysteries of God,” “The Mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven,” etc. Paper.......... 30c; cloth............... 75c


Paper................ 50c,- cloth........


Cloth only .................................


PHILIPPIANS Paper.............





CARE FOR GOD’S FRUIT TREES A volume of sermons Cloth ................................................ $1.00 THE CONTINUAL BURNT OFFERING Dr. Ironside’s book of daily readings. Cloth ............................. ..................$1.00

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