King's Business - 1942-02

February, 1942



Get Dan Gilbert's Enl ightening Exposes

This modern “ Paul Revere o f the Pen” has sounded the battle-cry of youth, against their exploiters. Hi,s books arouse and awaken all sincere Americans who read them. Patriots perform a service to God and country when they circulate these truth-telling volumes. • N o writer in modern times has received such wide praise from the religious press. Books by Dan Gilbert have been favorably reviewed by more than 100 leading Protestant and more than 40 leading Catholic magazines and newspapers— -representing more than 80% of the circulation of the religious press in America. BUILD ▲ DAN GILBERT LIBRARY! CRUCIFYING CHRIST IN OUR COLLEGES THE CONSPIRACY AGAINST CHASTITY; THE

More widely praised by tbe religious press than any other book published in the 20th century. A book which has saved thousands from faith destruction at godless universities. $1 cloth; 75c paper. EVOLUTION: THE ROOT OF ALL ISMS Shows evolution to be, the .“octopus of the lecture- room.” Reveals how atheism, communism, and free-love- ism are rooted in evolutionist teachings. $1 cloth; 50c paper. THE BIBLICAL BASIS OF THE CONSTITUTION Praised equally by the religious and metropolitan press, Favorably reviewed by big city newspapers with a total circulation of more than 20,000,000. $1 cloth; 50c paper. OUR RETREAT FROM MODERNISM An autobiography of Christian youth, showing the "way back” from the modernist; pagan wilderness. A “must read” message for students. $1 cloth; 75c paper. THE VANISHING VIRGIN The most sensational novel since “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” A stirring story, based on actual conditions among youtli brought about by anti-Christ professors who traffic in the souls of students. $2 cloth. THINKING YOUTH’S GREATEST NEED A message of challenge and inspiration for young and old, alike. $1 cloth. POISON PEDDLERS The best buy of the season. Over 100 pages of factual dynamite. An arsenal of ammunition for the Christian crusader. 35c paper. THE SLAUGHTER OF INNOCENCEt Contains chapters on “Corrupting the Morals of School Children; Professors of Immorality; The Massacre of Virgins; The Slaughter of Decency; Filth in the Name of Science; Moral Chaos on the Campus.” Second Edi­ tion. $1 cloth; 60c paper. THE A-B-C OF THE ISMS A handbook of the “isms” which Should be in the hands of every patriot and student in the nation. In concise, yet complete,, “question-and-answer” form it compares and contrasts the “isms’’ now rampant through­ out the worl'd. 35c paper.

TRUTH ABOUT BIRTH CONTROL Written by Dan Gilbert with the collaboration of Sam­ uel Saloman. An analysis and history of the propa­ ganda and practices of the promoters of birth control. Strips away the false pretenses and fallacious advertis­ ing of the “merchandisers of immorality” and shows the vicious character of their deceptive racket. $1.50 cloth. OUR CHAMELEON COMRADES; The Reds Turn Yellow An up-to-the minute, expose of communist activities in the United States. Highly praised by the metropolitan press. “Incandescent,’’ says the Los Angeles Times. A Who’s Who and What’s What of Sovietism in America. $1 cloth; 75c paper. A MANIFESTO OF CHRISTIAN YOUTH A bold, courageous statement of the position that the Bible bids youth take today, in face of the problems of this period. A rousing challenge and refutation hurled at the atheist-communist forces which seek to control American youth through the Red-run Youth Congress. $1 cloth.


The Danielle Publishers, 4766 Norma Drive, San Diego, Calif. Gentlemen: Find enclosed

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