King's Business - 1942-02


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MORE THAN 10 ,000 CHURCHES USE THESE INSPIRING ROOKS Christian Service Songs “ The most inspirational hymn book I have ever seen,” wrote a pastor from Iowa, and that explains why Christian Service Songs is the most popular song book we have ever published. 312 tested songs keyed into tempo of today. Expensive appearance, yet low in price. Strikingly beautiful “ stay flat” brown cloth board binding. $45 per 100, not postpaid, single copy 60c. In heavy bristol paper, $30 per 100 not postpaid, 40c each. Youth Hymnal Helps the youth of today to “ BE PREPARED FOR WHAT TOMORROW MAY BRING” . . . for the de­ fense of a religious stronghold, for life, for service, for a victorious American life. 224 pages, 34 worship programs, responsive readings and prayers. New water­ proof binding, dark blue with gold letter stamping— will not smear or spot with moisture—may be cleaned with a damp cloth. $45 per 100, not postpaid, single copy 60c.

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Biola Students Practice the Art of Soul-Winning

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