EXT. ROADBLOCK - NIGHT MATTI PIKE, 29, prince of the Pike gang, unloads the snowblower from the snowmobile. He is dressed in yellow road maintenance dungarees. He hums when he reads the text message from the spotters. Matti starts the snowblower and blocks the road. He adjusts
the ditch so that the curve in the road is hidden. Matti kicks a switch in the snow and a strip of lights illuminate a fake road over the snow-covered tundra… leading to the cliff. A reindeer calf flees along the illuminated strip. 12 12 INT. TRUCK - NIGHT Loud, heavy rock music keeps the driver awake. Snow drifts over the windshield. Truck Driver must use the plough stick reflex marks on both sides to navigate. Truck Driver sees green moving dots on the road and hits the brakes. He winds down the big side window, leans out and angrily howls. 13 13 EXT. ROAD - NIGHT Reindeer on the road ahead flee in panic. Snowbanks on both sides are too high to climb over - they’re trapped. The truck HONKS. The smallest reindeer calves are close to being crushed by the big truck wheels… 14 14 INT. TRUCK - NIGHT Truck Driver clamps his dirty boot onto the accelerator. CRUNCH of calf bones and flesh. Truck Driver looks in the rear view mirror: two smashed and bloodied calf bodies smeared over the road. He screams with ecstatic, wordless joy, as though his sports team scored a goal.
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