The Reindeer Queen. The Pilot episode & bible.


The big bull in the truck's front smashes through the snow bank. Truck Driver aims for the last reindeer, but the herd flees over the snowbank to the tundra. The big rig slides as Truck Driver brakes, but he regains control. 15 15 EXT. ROADBLOCK - NIGHT Matti works with a big floor brush to finish the illusion of the fake road. Loud HONKING. Matti dumps the brush and, as he hears Truck Driver howl, sprints to hide behind the fake snow mountain. 16 INT. TRUCK - NIGHT Truck Driver smiles, beating his palms against the steering wheel to the rhythm of the music, until… BANG! The truck hits the fake road. 17 17 EXT. ROADBLOCK - NIGHT Matti watches as the dragon-like truck rams the mountain slope, rocks pounding it like ping-pong balls. 16

It hovers over the cliff for a few seconds, fighting the forces of gravity. Then… it dives into the deep canyon. 18 INT. TRUCK - NIGHT The music stops. Time and gravity non-existent as Truck Driver floats inside the cabin. The gravitating trash emulates beautiful Japanese flower decorations. CRACKING of the rig… And we’re back in real time. Truck Driver SCREAMS as he spots the bottom of the canyon rushing towards the windscreen… 19




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