The Reindeer Queen. The Pilot episode & bible.


Matti’s not impressed. He lights a smoke, prepares his fur gloves, switches off the fake road lights and winds it in. He clears the proper road with the snowblower and conceals the entrance to the fake road. A massive amount of hungry crows fight against the wind to position themselves to gnaw at dead reindeer calves. Eyes plucked first, it resembles a pagan ritual. Uncle Piera and Issat arrive on their snowmobiles, wiping all out all traces of the truck in the snow. Matti loads the snowblower on the snowmobile and disappears. When all three snowmobiles have disappeared into the dark night, all that’s left is the lone reindeer calf digging for moss in the snow. 20 20 EXT. BELOW THE CLIFF - NIGHT Crows circle a river. No sign of the truck. 21 21 INT. CHURCH - DAY A dim, flickering light from a candle reveals an old faded photo of a proud middle-aged man standing beside his smiling teenage daughter. In an open coffin lies the same, older man: CONRAD HAALAND. He looks content. Loving arms hug Lauritz. It’s GRETE HAALAND, Elle’s adoptive mother; a fleshy woman in her seventies. Not much of a resemblance between mother and daughter. The coffin is cheap with fake gold decorations. THE PRIEST looks at the coffin and corpse with admiration. PRIEST I'm sure many would like to say some words for Conrad as he begins his last journey. GRETE HAALAND Say something. You were his sunshine. ELLE I can't find the words. A big man in a cheap, ill-fitting suit takes a strengthening hit from his moonshine bottle.

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