EXT. REINDEER MEAT FACTORY - NIGHT A massive reindeer herd of over one thousand heads stampedes over the snow-cowered tundra.
Big bulls with massive fur-clad antlers break the thick snow at the herd's front. The smaller deer follow the path in the snow. SUPER: Avzi, Lapland, 2023. Northern Europe. The sound of a gas-fired industrial bolt gun, like a steam train. 2 2 INT. REINDEER MEAT FACTORY - NIGHT A dark, steamy meat factory. Silhouettes of workers skin dead reindeer with powerful pneumatic machines. 3 3 ANTLER QUALITY CONTROL STATION The butchers send reindeer carcasses onto roof rails for sorting. Bulls with big, valuable fur-clad antlers are selected for a special processing line. A YOUNG WOMAN wearing a face mask and white protective overalls selects all the big-horned bulls to the right and marks them with red paint. A big tarpaulin bag arrives on the roof rail instead of a dead animal. The young woman grabs a big knife and cuts it down. Out spills the messy contents. The young woman gives it a rough wash with the cold water hose. It moves. The young woman shivers when she sees a half-naked, hog- tied, bruised woman crawling on the bloody concrete floor. She cuts the woman's hands loose and pulls her up onto a steel stool, moving aside her messy brown hair to see her faceā¦ It's ELLE HAALAND, 30, petite but athletic. She shivers, her lips blue.
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