EXT. AIRPORT - DAY DRIVER shows them to a car. Anna gets stuck in the snow when she tries to help Lauritz with the wheelchair. ANNA LARSEN Why do you need a wheelchair when you can walk? LAURITZ My skeleton is soft. If I’m on my feet all day, I have to take a lot of painkillers to sleep.
Elle takes the wheelchair, turns it around and tilts it to a 45-degree angle, pulling it over the deep snow. Lauritz smiles proudly. ANNA LARSEN That lady must be a wrestler. 44 44 INT. CAR - DAY The road is icy and slippery. Elle and Lauritz are in the back, Anna up front. ANNA LARSEN
I hope you enjoy the scenery. We'll show you to your new home in Avzi.
The vehicle pulls to a stop: a traffic jam. HONKING at a reindeer herd crossing the road. ELLE Rush hour? LAURITZ
Hallo Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen! Lauritz jumps out and sprints after the reindeer like a crazy tourist. The driver smiles. 45 EXT. ROAD - DAY Lauritz slides down the slope on his back in an attempt to reach the reindeer herd, but the soft snow reaches his waist. The driver helps Lauritz brush the snow from his clothes and shoes.
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