BACK IN THE CAR - SHORT WHILE LATER Through the window, men are loading long red rods onto snowmobiles. DRIVER Explosives. Used to blow away avalanches. LAURITZ Why? DRIVER Before they become monsters. Big avalanches destroy roads and houses. Elle snaps photos of the snowmobiles. ELLE Private contractors? The men don't look like regular construction contractors. ANNA LARSEN
No. Looks like Rust men. We have two powerful families here. The Pikes and the Rusts. Been fighting each other for decades.
47 INT. ELLE'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Anna holds her hands over Lauritz's eyes and leads him into a room with pictures of cross-country ski sports heroes on the wall. Anna releases him. LAURITZ Wow, a PlayStation 5! Elle peeks into the room. ELLE Be careful. We have to pay for anything we break. Lauritz starts a game on the console. 48 48 KITCHEN Equipped with everything a family needs. Elle opens the fridge: full! 47
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