An old, traditionally fur-clad nomad-looking lady - MONGOLIAN LADY - passes on a kicking sled. She stares at Elle as through she's an alien from space. MONGOLIAN LADY Mahtatgo don samigiella? [You understand Sami?] ELLE (nods) Jou. [Yes.] MONGOLIAN LADY
Don fertetgarvudit burebu. Bahtta jitnju. [You have to dress better or your bum will turn to ice.]
Lauritz looks at Elle with admiration. LAURITZ Woah. You understand that? ELLE (smiles, shakes her head) Wheelchair? LAURITZ
It's my first day at school. Please?
School bus HONKS. The driver waves.
LAURITZ (cont'd)
No hugs. They're looking. ELLE Remember, the nanny will fix you dinner and keep you company tonight. See you tomorrow. Lauritz does his best not to limp onto the bus.
On the wall of the house on the opposite side of the road: a monitoring camera hidden inside barbed wire? Elle takes a photo. Anna's blue station wagon pulls in. Elle smiles and jumps in. As they leave... A curtain twitches in the house opposite: an old man with a furrowed face.
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