INT. ELLE'S OFFICE - DAY A big room with a conference table. Elle boots up her computer. BANG! Gunshot. Elle dives under her enormous desk. A moment passes... ANNA LARSEN (O.S.) Damn thing. Elle stands up. An old wild west movie flickers on the mounted TV-screen. ELLE Shit! How did you get in? Anna fiddles with the TV. ANNA LARSEN
Bjarland will be here soon. He uses an underground tunnel between the police house and this building.
KNOCK KNOCK on the wall. Elle, confused.
ANNA LARSEN (cont'd) Only when stealth is important.
Anna opens a concealed door. Out comes HAKON BJARLAND, 50. He looks more like a teacher than a cop in his knitted sweater with Sami-style ornaments. He greets Elle with a firm handshake. HAAKON BJARLAND
Good morning, Ms Hansen. Welcome to Avzi. I'm Haakon Bjarland, head of this police district. ELLE Elle. CEO of the New Norway Development Fund. HAAKON BJARLAND Welcome. We have high expectations. Your achievements in the capital area are phenomenal.
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