ANNA LARSEN The situation here is quite different. HAAKON BJARLAND Stealth is critical. We have been preparing some intelligence. Anna closes the hidden door. A surveillance video clip starts up on the TV. HAAKON BJARLAND (cont'd) The targets... A flickering image of an overweight, grey-haired man standing in front of a mirror trying to fix his tie. ANNA LARSEN (O.S.) Ant-Ovla Pike. Tonight is his 70th birthday and he'll be awarded a gold medal. He is the not-so-smart chief of our most powerful mafia family. The man gives up his efforts with the tie. Throws it on the floor. HAAKON BJARLAND (smiles)
We need you to identify the genuine leader of the gang that specializes in trafficking, narcotics, money laundering, reindeer theft, prostitution and much more.
CLIP: MATTI PIKE pulls an Israeli-made mini Uzi sub machine gun from a bag. He is confused when he sees the exotic design of the weapon. ANNA LARSEN (O.S.) Matti, 29, Crown prince, aka "The dentist". He is unpredictable and feared by his enemies. Born out of wedlock. One of the smartest gang members. He is dangerous, even to himself. Matti pulls the trigger on a target, but nothing happens. He looks into the barrel, then tries again: BOOM! He dances like Fred Astaire when the Uzi delivers the rounds close to his reindeer-skin moccasins. Anna laughs.
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