INT. SPORTS HALL - NIGHT The REPORTER leads Elle into the spotlight. She has a queen- like appearance in the soft light. REPORTER Rolling? The cameraman nods. REPORTER (cont'd) Could you explain who you are and what you are doing here? Elle looks into the camera and smiles. ELLE I'm Elle Hansen, CEO of the New Norway development fund. I would like
to announce our first investment decision. The New Norway fund has granted 10 million kroner to RUST Investment, INC. REPORTER The Rust? Have you taken into consideration that the Rust family corporation has been the subject of over ten police investigations? ELLE The New Norway fund is an independent development fund that has as its most important goal to stimulate local economy growth and development. We have nothing to do with the priorities of the local police. REPORTER Have you taken into consideration that the size of the grant will shift the power balance in the criminal world? ELLE Our funds cannot be used to support criminal activities. We have a very strict economic evaluation of how the grant is to be used. Our fund is open to all business organizations in the northern region.
The cameraman switches off the spotlights.
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