The clans are semi-nomadic. They are constantly migrating with their herds between different villages. Therefore, they’re hard for the state to reach and assimilate. MAIN CHARACTERS
Elle Haaland: the protagonist The open wound of Elle’s life is the painfully forced assimilation process. Returning to her birthplace forces her to reverse-engineer what caused it. When the story starts, Elle is an unethical cop with a developing drug problem. Elle is sent to Lapland as a special agent to infiltrate the native gangs and find their hidden commander. She poses as CEO of a rich development fund that is set up to lure the clans. Elle is thirty years old, witty and exudes confidence and stubborn- ness. Free designer clothing, a perk of her role as CEO, makes heads turn wherever she goes. Over the series, Elle’s personality goes through a massive change as she transforms into the fiercest fighter of the tribes. Lauritz: Elle’s son, the silent observer Lauritz is about nine years old and suffers from Prader-Willi syn- drome. This rare genetic condition causes a wide range of physical symptoms, learning difficulties and behavioural problems. Lauritz is also autistic and must follow a strict diet and rigorous medical routines to settle the chaos in his genes. Lauritz’s speaking abilities are underdeveloped. He understands more than a normal kid, but he cannot express it in words. Lauritz is like Danny’s character in the film “The Shining”. Lauritz recognizes Elle’s struggles and tries to support her. Unfortunately, the state Child Protection Service tries to deprive Elle of her parental rights.
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