The Reindeer Queen. The Pilot episode & bible.

The United Clans (of the Arctic) is the secret dream of all tribal peoples. They don’t want states of their own, they want tribal unity as self-protection. There are countless old folk songs from the tribal highlands, tundras, desserts, rainforests and great plains that praise the unity of clans. Unfortunately it remains a beautiful, fictional dream. This drama series is a fictional examination of the first low-intensive phase of the Arctic battle. Various native tribes are still fighting each other, as the Native Americans did in the days of Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the Americas. The difference here is that the “savages” know what to expect. They understand that the newcomers will not be peace-loving Gods from a higher sphere. The Pikes are one of the native clans who are trying to survive in this new world. For them, reindeer are the most important creatures on the planet. The family has been defending their lands against the state for hundreds of years. Many times, kingdoms were close to eradicating them. The last uprising was in 1852. Several Sámis were decapitated by the state. Their skeletons were sold by the king- dom on the international market as biological race trophies.

The local police confiscating reindeer by force in 1983.

The self-protection units are organized in a classical guerrilla style. The teams are cells of a maximum of six members. If one partition is extinguished, there are no links to the other independent cells. This is also the weakness of the cells, since they have no way of knowing who is a friend or a foe. Cops in Lapland are seldom seen further than 5km from the closest road, even if there are different special state reindeer police units. Reindeer Police are corrupt and totally incompetent. During the last fifty years, they have not successfully imposed anti-no- madic state reindeer laws on the tribes.


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