Episode 7: Elle’s disgrace The local cops are a mob with their own criminal interests. Juha finds proof of the old chief’s betrayal of the codes of the clan and realizes that this was the motive for his killing. Still, he cannot locate the murderer. Lauritz is snatched by state childcare after Matti reports Elle for fake misconduct. When Matti realizes that the wind company has tricked him, he commits a spectacular kamikaze suicide. He also kills a few of the windmill thugs in the process. Elle locates Lauritz at the orphanage. She attempts to free him but fails. Karen offers to help and exposes herself as the hidden commander.
Episode 8: Elle becomes the Fist of God
The clan promises to free Lauritz from the orphan- age if she helps them to steal some military equip- ment. Elle prepares to hand over the evidence to the state police but is dismayed when they will not allow her to regain custody of her son. She decides that only the clan can help her. Karen is exposed as the murderer of her own hus- band. Elle fights on Karen’s side to defend her posi- tion. When she is surpassed, she reveals to Elle the network of the united tribes. Elle is made “invisible” with a fake traffic accident. Masked as a crippled fool, she takes her revenge on the corrupt cops. As the new FIST OF GOD, she gives her first order. The outcome is tragic since it’s more like a poem than a clear order. Elle disappears into a mysterious lake to go incognito. The message she sends to Frode assures him of her loyalty. The state police now expect her to uncover more. Instead, Elle is ready for the second round by chal- lenging the hierarchy as a double agent.
Avzi is the fictional home of the Pike clan. During WW2, this was a German war prison camp. Thousands of Russian prisoners of war starved to death in this desert of ice. The Sun nomad tribe built their first houses from the abandoned prison camp’s rubble after the war. This country was a paradise for reindeer until the discovery of minerals underground.
Next season Elle’s struggle to return to civilian life and her fight to re-earn her son’s trust. Lauritz was snatched by child protection services and raised by a state orphanage. He is bitter and feels that he has been neglected by his mother. Elle continues to drill more profoundly into the clan infrastructure to investigate the reason for her own forced assimilation, in order to find a path to the heart of her son. She struggles to retain the trust of the state police and her boss Frode as her police mission becomes ever more conflicted.
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