Ox Box Discovers (CONT’D FROM PAGE 38)
Getting financial assistance from local and federal gov- ernments also proved difficult, as was getting basic infor- mation on how to fill out and submit a variety of forms. “It wasn’t as easy as officials made it sound,” said Ockerlund, who continues to be extra diligent in this “new normal,” while continuing to maximize the benefits of Facemate. “I will get an alert on my phone if a person scans in normally in the morning but during the day has a temperature in- crease and is over the temperature limit when scanning out at the end of the day. I have to then alert the employee to get a coronavirus test before coming back to work.” Ockerlund is also working with Misztur on implement- ing a payroll system whereby Facemate can export time clock and attendance data to a CSV file that is then up- loaded to Paychex so payroll can be handled automatical- ly. More time and money saved. Ockerlund said that he does have a “financial interest” in Facemate, but he is not an owner or partner. The amount he might make won’t likely make up for the amount he lost by having Ox Box shut down for a week and losing six em- ployees for two weeks but it might be a start. “The most important thing was that everyone who was infected recovered,” said Ockerlund. “It’s really a game changer. Once you go through it you see how it can rip your business apart and shut you down. Hopefully, Face- mate is another piece of the puzzle that makes us safer.” Visit facemate.info or contact Guy Ockerlund at Ox Box at guyo@oxbox.com or (630) 620-1BOX.
Ockerlund said he filed an insurance claim for loss of business due to the state shut down but the claim was immediately denied. When he called his insurance agent, Ockerlund was told that there were “zero” successful
claims across the country. This is however, pending litiga- tion among businesses against their insurance companies but unless some law is overturned or changed, the chance of recovery of damages is unlikely unless the government steps in. The reason, Ockerland was told is that there is a virus exclusion on all policies. Facemate can monitor employee temperature trends.
September 14, 2020
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