If you can’t use it from a sitting position, then it may need to be moved. Light switches can be lowered, outlets can be raised, motion sensor lighting, smart home technology, kitchenandvanitycabinets with drawers’ versus doors, curbless showers, grab bars, shower wands, higher toilets with bidet and lower closet rods. All the items listed above Functionality
Time – This is the one thing we all have a limited supply of, therefore, it is important to spend your time and energy wisely, on things you do well and hopefully enjoy.
should be consider when building or renovating. These items do not take away from the beauty or style of your home but will make it a safer and more flexible place to live for as long as you choose to stay in your home. A surprising bit of information that many people do not realize is that for the cost of a government funded nursing home for one (1) person for one (1) year, in the majority of cases, would allow a renovator to create a space that would permit a person to age safely in their home for many years. By investing, we would be saving considerable funds and allow people to stay at home where they want to be close to their community and friends. We need to take a serious look at how we care for our aging population and make a positive change. I know this may sound self serving as a renovator however, I truly believe that investing in “Universal Design Renovations” would be a progressive change that would save tax dollars, If you earn a living in a career that you enjoy, it may be best to do that work and hire a professional to d your renovation, just a thought. It is important to note, that many DIY p ojects end up takingmuch longer then advertised or first expected. Leaving an unfinished bathroom, kitchen, basement, etc. for weeks on end which can be very stressful on relationships and di ruptive t your regular schedule. Working nights and weekends can be very demanding and difficult to maintai also.
Specialty Tools – In todays world of manufac- turing, many products require specialty tools to complete the job. Investing in all the tools to do the job right can be expensive, that is part of the cost to hire a skilled tradesperson. Purchasing $1000’s in tools to complete a one-time project does not always make sense, unless that makes you happy. A chop saw for trim work can cost $800-$1000 or a table saw for $400-$800, not to mention the assortment of hand and other small power tools required to complete even smaller projects.
stimulate the economy and better care for our valued and aging population. All to often we have gover nment f u n d e d p r o g r a m s that are reserved only for the lowest i n c o m e p e r s o n s , w h i c h unfortunately, do not cover the full
Cost – It is easy to look at the cost of hiring a pro- fessional and think, maybe I can DIY and save some money. If you have the time, talent and training to do the job safely and there is limited risk to your home, then you certainly can give it a shot. Often the TV Shows, You Tube Videos and Profession-
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