Biola Broadcaster - 1973-04


Dr. Charles L. Feinberg

Dr. J. Richard Chase

Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland


Q. Sanger, Calif. "Was Paul ever married? I have heard that he was a member of the Sanhedrin which meant that he had to be married. I Corinthians 7 seems to imply that he was not married. Do you sup­ pose he was divorced or that his wife had passed away?" A. It seems apparent from Acts 26:9, 10 that Paul had the author­ ity indicated as a member of the Sanhedrin. Here he is making his second defense (the first is re­ corded in Acts 20:2). The Talmud and other writings contemporary with the Bible clearly show that those involved with this group were expected to be married. At the same time, there is no question but that I Corinthians 7 implies that Paul was not married or en­ cumbered with the things of this life and family duties. The general

conclusion, therefore, is probably that he was a widower. He knew much about marriage as is clear from his excellent teachings on the subject, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Q. Ventura, Calif. "In the parable of the marriage feast (Matthew 22: 10-14), why did the king only cast out one man when the servants had evidently brought others to the feast who were also bad?" A. There are two possible answers, both of which may be correct. Keep in mind that a parable is an earthly story given to illustrate a heavenly truth. What took place then still happens in some foreign countries today. Whenever guests are invited to a wedding they are provided with a garment when they arrive to put over their regu-

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