Biola Broadcaster - 1973-04

"Blessed is the man who walk- eth not in the counsel of the un­ godly." It is important to under­ score the extremely descriptive word "ungodly." Sometimes peo­ ple equate that term as being syn­ onymous with wicked, criminal, sinner or some other such title of deprecation, all sounding very black and dire. Now, while the end result may be the same, yet "un­ godly" refers in the original sense to people who have no time for Cod. They may be good, moral, community-minded, upright folk. Ethical and sincere in every avenue of life, they may be educated and filled with all of the social graces. But, without Christ, they are still "ungodly." The word in the orig­ inal means one who has never been justified. The one who has found content­ ment in life is not following the guidelines offered by man. What we need to keep in mind is that the Bible says our counsel is not to come from the secular aspect of the world considering its ultimate, ungodly goals. Our counsel is to rather come from the Lord. Our direction for life must be that which would be completely pleasing to Him. Also, we are not to stand to take our position, in the pathway of sinners. The Bible reminds us in Proverbs 16:25, "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." From bygone years, the evan­ gelist, Sam Jones, used to avow, "Show me the company you keep, and I'll write your biography ten years before your death. And I'll not miss the mark one time in ten!" He was a pretty wise fellow, Page 46

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