King's Business - 1911-05

• night for two or three weeks in twenty-two districts, with very gratifying results. The Bible Institute took charge of the direc- tion of the street meetings, nine of which were conducted each noon for the period of three weeks. Tire meetings were held in the midst of the busy rush of a great city but were well attended. Fifty-four different speakers, ministers aru. laymen, took part. A large number of the Gospel of John were distributed. Many requests for prayer were made and a number accepted Christ. From one to two o'clock each day a meeting was held in the First Methodist Church, at which time reports were given of the street meetings. Hundreds gathered to this meet- ing, and many were led to a dedication of life to definite service. The Evangelistic Committee is to be congratulated upon the success of this enterprise. Opportunities for service are so near us that we often overlook them, yet we know that a little word or act is pregnant with great good. On the street car this week, through the courtesy of a young husband, one of our Bible women was seated by the young man's wife. Conversation brought to light the fact that the new home had occupied their thoughts and interest to the exclusion of the things of God. The trio talked things over and they happily agreed on a new regime. They both came to the Lyceum Club supper and meeting the following Tues- day night and were united in thanking our I .ord because of the live wire touch on the street car that morning which had meant so much to their lives. This means rich fruitage from small seed. Anv one can sow such seed if they seek God's guidance and use the tact He will give them. BIG BROTHER WORK. Report for First Quarter of 1911. During the month of January we came in contact with 65 new cases. Nine of these professed Christ, for six we found work, supplied three with wheels, found Big Brothers for two and a home for one. The attendance at the Detention Home was 126. During February the attendance at the Detention Home was 120. We came in contact with 59, 21 of whom professed Christ. For five we found work, supplied five with wheels, found Big Brothers for five and a home for one. During March we came in contact with 62, and 11 professed Christ. We found work for 14, supplied two with wheels and found Big Brothers for five. The at- tendance at the Detention Home was 112. For the quarter the totals are—in con- tact with 186, 41 professed Christ, we found • work for 25. supplied 10 with wheels, found Big Brothers for 12 and a home for two. The attendance at the De- tention Home was 358. BIG BROTHER WORK. 262V, S Main St. Phones—A 4762, Main 13Î3.

been in the home of the superintendent for some weeks. Starting upon a world tour of Mission visitation he was stopped in Korea by severe illness, compelled to retrace his steps, and is at present writing on his way home to Brooklyn, N. Y., a very siek man. We covet special prayers for our brother t h at it may please the Lord to grant unto him health and strength for a long and loving ministry. Three of the Fishermen boys, Earl Olin, Howard Pulton and Will Liebert, have taken service with a large lumber com- pany in Fresno county. They will work with t he seven hundred men in the log- ging camps as loggers and will have a wide door of service in Christian work as laymen. This is ideal. They will have a closer touch with the men than they would if they were missionaries. We look for splendid results from their labors and bespeak hearty prayer in their behalf. We are preparing a little Prayer Book. I t does not contain any prayers, but it does contain a few suggestions for prayer and a list of special subjects in connection with our work. It also has blank pages for the record of special objects and sub- jects for individual intercession. We want to revise the list of our pray- ing constituency and will gladly mail a copy to anyone who will advise by postal of such desire. OUR SPANISH WORK. During the month of March 58 open air and indoor Gospel meetings were conduct- ed at the Mission Hall, 419 N. Main street, with a total attendance of 1690. There were 24 Gospels, 10 testaments and about 1000 t r a c ts given away, 5 visits to the County Hospital, and between 40 and 50 house to house visits made during the month. Twenty-one persons professed Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord, and each was given personal instruction as to Chris- tian living. Friday evenings are espe- cially devoted to Bible study. A knowl- edge of the Word of God is very neces- sary in the development of the Christian life. Any one wishing to visit the Mission may do so any evening, as meetings are conducted every night. P r ay for this work. A GREAT CAMPAIGN Under the auspices of the Church Federa- tion Los Angeles has had a great awaken- ing. Evangelistic services were held every

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