Strategic_Plan_02282017 updated

Fort Worth Police Department Strategic Plan

Goal 2: Improve external communication. Community Policing requires police transparency in all dealings with the public. Transparency requires effective and timely communications, a task easier said than done. FWPD may face challenges when communicating with external audiences because events often expand at a rapid pace. We are working to publish communications in English and Spanish. The department will look for opportunities to maximize collaboration with the City’s Community Engagement Office.

Responsible Party - Lead Community Programs Captain

Funding Status

City Expectations/ FWPD Initiative

Action Items


2.1 Provide quarterly educational and informational outreach materials (patrol division newsletters, etc.) to the community in paper form and online to show how the department operates while highlighting the decision-making process. 2.2 Utilize the department website, YouTube channel, and social media platforms to provide the community information when significant and high profile public safety issues occur in the community in English and Spanish. 2.3 Utilize all methods of communication annually to improve public perception, address misinformation, provide crime prevention tools, and actively educate and engage with the public in English and Spanish. 2.4 Create informational videos from the Chief of Police and Executive Staff to inform the public about crime and crime prevention tools in English and Spanish. 2.5 Establish educational outreach efforts for English and Spanish speaking residents to inform them about crime prevention tools and participation opportunities. 2.6 Ensure information about public awareness-training programs are provided to the public each quarter. Utilize school districts to help get the word out to the community. (e.g., What to do at a traffic stop, how Priority 1, 2, and 3 calls for service are adjudicated, and Non-emergency number training). (English and Spanish) 2.7 Ensure appropriate federal, state, local law enforcement partners, and officials meet at Executive Staff meetings quarterly, and receive information in advance about events with regional, statewide, or national significance to ensure the appropriate level of support. 2.8 Initiate use of programs similar to Facebook Live and Skype to communicate crime related press releases directly with the public.

No Funding Needed


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Public Relations Office

No Funding Needed


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Public Relations Office

No Funding Needed


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Public Relations Office

No Funding Needed


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Public Relations Office

No Funding Needed


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Public Relations Office

FY17/ Annual

No Funding Needed

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Tactical Command Deputy Chief

No Funding Needed


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Public Relations Office

No Funding Needed


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Strategic Directions Goals and Action Items

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