#OCDayofService Witnesses Groups and Individuals Serving Orange County
By: Orange County Communications
On Friday, March 29, Orange County Public Schools hosted an Orange County Day of Service alongside their Orange and Blue Day! This event encouraged students, residents, and local organizations to find a way to volunteer and help the community. By focusing the efforts on a single day, the impact of those efforts was magnified and felt across the area. Several classes and student organizations helped by writing cards, planting trees, cleaning up litter, repainting playground elements, and even washing some of community ’ s emergency vehicles! Inspired by the effort, several Orange County government departments participated as well. Members of our Public Works, Landfill, Sheriff ’ s Office, Parks & Recreation, and Communications teams helped clean up a section of Route 20 and a section of Porter Road. They collected 19 bags during the lunchtime cleanup! Our Office on Youth and Youth Council pulled double duty, cleaning up litter and tobacco waste in the Town of Orange, as well as helping prepare the Mustard Seed Garden for planting. These are far from the only examples of service from that day. Those who found a way to help the Orange County community are encouraged to continue sharing their efforts on social media with #OCDayofService!
Above Left and Middle: The Orange County Public Works Department, Landfill, Sheriff's Office, Communications, and Parks & Recreation picked up a total of 19 bags in under two hours.
Above Right: The Orange County Youth Council poses after a tobacco waste and litter cleanup in the Town of Orange.
Below: Orange County High School Students wash an Orange Volunteer Fire Company truck. Photo courtesy of Orange County Public Schools.
Page 15 | April 2024
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