Thank You, Mr. Brooks and Mr. Yancey!
By: Orange County Communications
At the April 9, 2024, Board of Supervisors Meeting, were honored to recognize two long - serving members of the Orange County Planning Commission, Donald Brooks (pictured top right) and George Yancey (pictured bottom right). Mr. Brooks was recognized for Planning Commission service which began in January 2008. Furthermore, he served as Chairman for half of his time on the Commission and was noted for his outside - the - box thinking. Mr. Yancey was recognized for his service which began in 2012. During his tenure, he served as Chairman for three years. He was further recognized for his commitment to serving on the Germanna - Wilderness Area Plan Steering Committee. Both gentlemen were recognized for giving willfully of their time to serve our community, for faithful attendance at Planning Commission meetings which regularly involved late hours, and for staying apprised of important information related to land use.
For more information about Planning Commission meetings, agendas, and minutes, residents are encouraged to visit the Agendas and Minutes section of the Orange County website. Orange County Economic Development & Tourism Attend OCHS Job Café
By: Orange County Economic Development & Tourism
On Friday, March 22, staff from the Economic Development and Tourism Office had the pleasure of participating in the Orange County High School Job Café. Students had the opportunity to experience a real - world mock interview process, create resumes, dress professionally, and ask questions about the hiring process. Students were very impressive and interview ready.
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