A Decade of Excellence in Cyberspace

students and faculty to engage with real- world cybersecurity scenarios. Instructors guide students through practical exercises, covering topics from setting up secure networks to identifying and mitigating cyber threats.

faculty. This synergy between hands-on education and research creates a feedback loop that enriches both teaching practices and the overall knowledge base of the cybersecurity field.

Preparing Cyber Intelligence and Security Leaders

At the core of the Cyber Lab is an advanced server and networking infrastructure. Combined with

Our commitment extends beyond the classroom; we aim to train and shape future cyber experts and leaders. Graduates from our program possess not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills needed to navigate the complexities of cyberspace. The doors of our Cyber Lab and Cyber Gym are not just open; they are unlocking the future of cyber education and research, propelling our students toward success in tackling the evolving challenges of the digital and physical worlds.

industry-grade cybersecurity tools, this infrastructure provides a safe and controlled environment for students to experiment, analyze and simulate various cyber threats. As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, the lab now hosts an experimental networking rack generously donated by Juniper Networks. This addition will enhance hands-on learning in computer networking and security courses. Cyber Gym Maker Space: Fostering Creativity and Collaboration In celebration of our 10th anniversary, we proudly introduced the Cyber Gym Maker Space in Building 17 on campus. This collaborative workspace emphasizes a hands-on, do-it-yourself approach to learning and creation. It serves as a hub for students to engage in faculty- mentored projects, sharing resources and knowledge, and as a place for the department to showcase projects and build industry connections. The Cyber Gym is equipped with cutting- edge software and hardware, including a deep-learning AI server. It encourages participants to explore new ideas, experiment and bring their creative visions to life. This inclusive space fosters a collaborative atmosphere, mirroring real-world scenarios where diverse teams address complex cybersecurity issues. The Cyber Gym is not confined to student education; it also serves as a research center for our cyber


The increasing demand for skilled cyber professionals means a wealth of opportunities for professionals entering the field. Embry-Riddle’s graduates are trained to face the challenges of this dynamic, rapidly evolving industry and become leaders within it.

The Cyber Gym Maker Space gives me the opportunity to work out and build a flight simulation environment and an avionics test platform that allows investigation of aircraft and crew cybersecurity. Few institutions offer such opportunities in undergraduate cyber programs!”

State-of-the-Art Cyber Labs Give Students Crucial Practical Experience Hands-on education and research are foundational for shaping the next generation of cyber defenders. Recognizing this need, Embry-Riddle has continually enhanced its facilities over the last decade to provide cutting-edge resources for our cyber students and faculty. The state-of-the-art Cyber Lab and the recently opened Cyber Gym Maker

Space are central to our commitment. These facilities, designed to be at the forefront of technology, collectively serve as the nucleus for immersive learning and groundbreaking research in cyber intelligence and security. Cyber Lab: Bridging Theory and Practice Our Cyber Lab transcends the conventional computer-filled room; it is a dynamic, interactive classroom designed to bridge the gap between

Nathan Johnson (’25) Cyber Intelligence and Security Major Collins Aerospace Intern

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