A Decade of Excellence in Cyberspace


Enhancing awareness and training of industry in aviation cybersecurity through impactful initiatives and events.

This diverse participation highlighted the interdisciplinary nature of aviation cybersecurity and the collaborative approach taken by the CIS department. The First International Aviation Cyber Security Competition In 2020, our students and faculty organized the world’s first aviation-focused Capture the Flag (CTF) cyber competition at DEF CON and the Aviation Information Sharing and Analysis Center Annual Summit (A-ISAC), which attracted over 220 participants from around the world and showcased how our students and faculty collaborated despite the pandemic and pivoted the CTF to a virtual format.

Influencing a Tri-Chaired Government Initiative: DHS-DOD-DOT Aviation Cyber Rodeo CTF In 2023, the CIS department was at the center of a tri-chaired US government initiative, offering its CTF to the employees of agencies and industries responsible for protecting the nation against cyber threats. Embry-Riddle plays a pivotal role in the joint initiative led by the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Defense and Department of Transportation known as the Aviation Cyber Initiative. Embry-Riddle organized a Cyber Rodeo event at its Daytona Beach campus, with the CIS department spearheading the CTF competition event. The objective was clear: to enlighten the aviation, security and safety communities on crucial cyber intelligence and security issues. The winning team emerged as ROTC cadets from cyber programs at the Prescott campus and the FAA team coming in at second place, showcasing the diverse talents within the initiative.

Hosting the CTF at the Headquarters of Southwest Airlines and Collins Aerospace Apart from Florida, the CIS department students and faculty visited various locations in 2023, including the Texas headquarters of Southwest Airlines and Collins Aerospace in Iowa. At Southwest Airlines, the CTF involved over 30 participants who were cyber and IT security professionals representing 12 different aviation organizations, including major airlines such as American, JetBlue, Lufthansa, Southwest, United and the International Air Transport Association (IATA). The visit to Collins Aerospace in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, was a unique opportunity for students to interact with professionals in the avionics supplier industry and see their state-of-the-art facilities. Our team offered an aviation cybersecurity CTF experience to their employees.

Being responsible for making Embry-Riddle the sole institution recognized by the National Science Foundation CyberCorps ® Scholarship for Service focusing on aviation cybersecurity, the department has been a driving force in this field. Our commitment to aviation cybersecurity education is evident through the organization of international competitions, hosting industry events in collaboration with major aerospace companies and providing hands-on experiences for students. These initiatives not only contribute to the education and professional development of students but also foster collaboration between academia and industry to address the unique challenges posed by cybersecurity in the aviation sector. The student teams involved in these initiatives comprised individuals from various disciplines, such as cybersecurity, software engineering, aerospace engineering and aviation.

Everyone learned something new related to aviation from this CTF. The CTF was a great educational and team-building experience for cybersecurity aviation beginners and professionals.”

Aviation Cyber CTF Propels CIS to Global Prominence

In late 2023, the CIS department soared to new heights, with its students and faculty garnering global recognition by organizing their aviation cyber CTF competition in-person at DEF CON 31 in Las Vegas and the 2023 A-ISAC Cybersecurity Summit in Dublin, Ireland.

Ray Howard Senior Systems Engineer Southwest Airlines

Read more about the CTF competition

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