greenPost Customer Guide


Why does the specification allow virgin fibre paper? Surely it’s less environmentally friendly than recycled paper? Experts recognise that virgin fibre paper can be an environmentally friendly option, if derived from a sustainably managed source: it contributes to a reduction in carbon in the atmosphere while growing and can be readily replenished. It is also the case that there are limited amounts of recycled paper; virgin fibre paper is an acceptable alternative. What is required to prove that paper is virgin or recycled fibre content and is sourced from a forest certification scheme approved by the Central Point of Expertise on Timber Procurement (CPET)? A Certificate of conformance for the chain of custody from your supply chain (e.g. paper wholesaler or paper mill). What is required to prove adherence to BS EN ISO 14001 Environmental Management System? An up to date certificate of conformance from the British Standards Institute’s (BSI) qualification procedure. Is FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) accreditation equivalent to the BS EN ISO 14001 requirement for Intermediate level? No – FSC accreditation and the BS EN 14001 Environmental Management System are not the same thing. The FSC chain of custody for an organisation requires it to trace the entire supply chain right back to the raw material. It is up to the business to ensure that all of its suppliers in the chain also meet FSC standards. This is a specific accreditation relating to wood/paper procurement and forestry management. The requirement for greenPost Intermediate Level is specifically for BS EN ISO 14001.

Why is greenPost only for Direct Mail?

Whistl are attempting to support the market for mail that is ‘optional’ (rather than, say, an obligatory statement or invoice) by incentivising sending customers to post direct mail that is responsibly produced and based on up to date, accurate mailing lists (accurate mailing lists are known to be less of an issue when sending, for example, statements or invoices to existing customers). We believe that direct mail in particular should aim to minimise its impact on the environment and so have made available an appropriate service option. Benefits to the Customer and to the Environment Customers improve the targeting of their mailings by effective use of data management. This ensures that mail is sent to up to date and relevant address lists to avoid wasted mail in the instance of, for example, gone-aways and deceased records and ensuring mail only goes to those more likely to respond, again minimising waste. Customers use materials that have been produced using processes and resources that are less harmful to the environment and are recyclable. Why are brown envelopes and paper not included within the specification? Experts believe that materials used in the production of brown paper cannot be recycled as effectively as those used for other types of paper.

Why doesn’t the specification include packets?

Generally, packet formats are not synonymous with Direct Mail. Packets are used typically for a fulfilment application.

greenPost Customer Guide / April 2015 / V2


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