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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 VOL DE PHARMACIE La police a diffusé une image d’un homme soupçonné d’avoir volé des articles d’une valeur de 200 dollars dans une pharmacie de Rockland. L’homme est entré dans le commerce de la rue Laurier avant 14h le mardi 1er décembre. Il était décrit comme étant de race blanche et de corpulence moyenne, portant un masque, un pantalon sombre, une veste camouflage avec un sweatshirt à capuche et des bottes marron. Toute personne ayant des informations est priée de contac- ter la PPO du comté de Russell au 613-446-5124 ou Échec au crime au 1-800-222-8477. – Stephen Jeffery DRIVING CHARGES Two motorists were charged for impai- red driving and speeding in Rockland. Police pulled over a vehicle on County Road 17 December 9 and charged Timothy Stilwell, 30, of Rockland with impaired driving, refusing a breath test, and speed racing. Theresa Mary Bernadette Johnston, 29, of Ottawa was charged December 13 with impaired driving, disobeying a stop sign speed racing. – Stephen Jeffery PRIX NON RÉCLAMÉ Quelqu’un dans l’est de l’Ontario pos- sède un billet de Lotto Max d’une valeur de 100 000 dollars. Il s’agit d’un billet du 24 décembre 2019. Les numéros gagnants sur le billet sont 1-9-3-2-8-5-0. Contacter l’OLG au 1-800-387-0098.

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Sarrazin, adding that the township will continue to rely on virtual media more to keep residents involved. “For us, the year 2021 will be the year when we can get even closer to our citizens.” 8IFSFJUDPODFSOTNPTUPGUIFUPXOTIJQT usual operations, programs, and works plan- ning, Sarrazin noted that the pandemic did not affect Alfred-Plantagenet as much as it did larger urban areas “with all of their infrastructure.” The worst thing about the pandemic, he added, was its effect on the many opportunities for people to socialize and do many ordinary things “face-to-face” and in-person rather than over the phone or via social media. One unexpected piece of good news for the municipality during the past year, Sarrazin noted, is the “nice bit of residential growth in some of our villages.” 5IFNBZPSOPUFECPUI8FOEPWFSBOE Plantagenet have seen more demand for housing during 2020. Plantagenet may also see a new subdivision project started in 2021 resulted from some of the business growth in the village over the past few years. i0WFSBMM *UIJOLXFWFBEBQUFEXFMMBTB NVOJDJQBMJUZuIFTBJEi8FBSFTVSFIPQJOH that things get back to normal in 2021.”

Mayor Stéphane Sarrazin sees 2020 as the year when everyone learned how to change and adapt to new ways of seeing and doing things. “I think that the year 2020 was for every municipality, every business, every citizen, a hard year because of COVID,” said Sarrazin during a December 11 phone interview. The mayor of Alfred-Plantagenet Township noted that for most individuals, the past year was all about embracing information technology as an important means of doing more day-to-day business like paying bills, shopping, keeping in touch with family and friends. For business owners, 2020 forced them to adapt their operations to keep up with the surge in online commerce. For municipalities, Mayor Sarrazin observed, 2020 meant learning to use information technology more to maintain normal customer service for residents, from permit applications to dealing with questions about taxes or land use regulations. It also meant taking council business online with virtual council meetings through Zoom or other electronic meeting systems, and then keeping residents up to date and involved on council business by broadcasting those meetings through social media. “The last year was all about doing bet- ter communication through our computers, through social media, and such,” said

L’année 2020 a été une année d’adaptation incroyable en raison de la pandémie, estime le maire du canton d’Alfred-Plantagenet, Stéphane Sarrazin. —photo d’archives



Mayor Stéphane Sarrazin of Alfred-Plantagenet Township sees 2020 as a year of change for everyone in how they go about their daily lives because of the pandemic with greater reliance on the Internet for shopping and keeping in touch with family and friends. Even the municipality had to embrace information technology more as a means of doing its ordinary business, whether that involved dealing with permit applications or setting virtual meetings of township council. —file photo

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