In recent years, total annual United States patent grants have increased to over 300,000, while patent infringement lawsuit filings have exceeded 6,000 per year.
In recent years, total annual United States patent grants have increased to over 300,000, while patent infringement lawsuit filings have exceeded 6,000 per year. Only a small fraction of granted patents ever end up in litigation. Of the many causes is the growing awareness and sensitivity of companies to patent infringement risk management practices. This course addresses a number of those practices (and tools for implementing), placing them into context and providing a practical overview for how to implement them to help reduce the prospect of patent infringement litigation. Participants will receive a basic working knowledge of various practices for reducing the risk of patent infringement litigation. The course teaches the role and significance of patent claims, addresses pragmatic record keeping practices, reveals ways to monitor competitive patent filings, explains common practical pitfalls in analyzing a patent landscape, and illustrates alternative ways that risk can be managed. LEARNING OBJECTIVES By participating in this web seminar, you will be able to: • Identify causes why many companies end up in litigation • Discover ways to help avoid poor patent litigation outcomes • Expand existing practices to help avoid the risk of litigation in the first place WHO SHOULD ATTEND Small to mid-size company CFO’s, as well as technology officers, engineering managers, patent liaisons, and in-house counsel for companies of all sizes will benefit from this course. CONTENT HIGHLIGHTS • Infringement: The Theme that Brings Us Together? • Hypothetical Case: Fact Review • The Tools in the Kit: For the Market Entrant and Existing Participants • Internal Policies and Practices • The Role of Prior Art in Defining Boundaries in the World of Patents • Contracts • Patent Applications/Patents • Design Arounds • Toolkit Laboratories
Only a small fraction of granted patents ever end up in litigation.
I.D.# WB1525
SCHEDULE April 30-May 2, 2019 Live Online
FEES List:
$425 $383
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Register for this web seminar and get 50% off your registration for the Patent Litigation in the U.S.: What You Need to Know Web Seminar . See the course web page for more information.
INSTRUCTOR Eric Dobrusin Shareholder, Dobrusin Law Firm
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