April Edition | BGN MAGAZINE

Howmight we celebrate Easter in pandemic? Online celebration with the Family: As we are far away from our families and socially distanced, it doesn't mean we can't connect and our friends and family can't be a part of our standard Easter dinner. With the help of different applications like Zoom, hangout, and Google Joints, we would all have a platform to be closer to share those basic occasions for the term of ordinary regular presence. Put everything on the table and bring your family members, friends and also accomplices to eat with you. Hearing their voice can bring that piece of cheer needed for effervescent occasions. People who can't join need not be pardoned. Make a phone choice or send an e-card. Get adroit: Easter is always the best occasion, the best part of this holy festival is hand-painted eggs. Those with more enthusiastic youngsters at home can make this a dumbfounding activity for the brood and have them get inventive. It is a fun activity which you can easily do at your homes if you don't know how to do this just take a hard thing in oval shape and paint it, it will give you the perfect look and will add joy to your occasion. You can even paint the glasses and can add design to them and you can hang them on your main door.

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