April Edition | BGN MAGAZINE

QUESTION 04 Empowering women has always been a debatable issue all over the world. How do you see empowerment of women? Actually, this subject is very close to my heart and definitely I try to put my bit and efforts towards women empowerment. I have been hosting women empowerment events for the past fewyears where women achievers from all walks of life are celebrated. I personally mentor and encourage women constantly to build more confidence to step forward in the direction where they can make their dreams come true. And it’s essential for women to take care of themselves and choose a healthy lifestyle Because Women actually run the world and are expected to be present for their work and families all the time. Empowerment not only ensures equality, but builds that confidence that is much needed for the upliftment of Women. QUESTION 05 You are a people’s person, we all know that. You love to contribute towards the society and for its betterment. What would you do the first thing if asked to contribute towards women empowerment? I think theWomen need to realize that they are second to none. The stigma that prevails in our society that Women are treated indifferently when they want to step out of the households needs to be removed. I have been personally counselling and guiding women in the right direction. It is very important for women to speak out their feelings and discuss with their partners. I am sure with a bit of guidance and support from the families, the women can take a step in the right directions to realize their dreams.

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