JB Hall Funeral Directors - Additional options price list


There are many different ways a funeral can celebrate the individuality of the person who has died. We have a wide range of options to help you personalise the service in a unique and fitting way. Personalising the funeral service


Many local crematoria have a media library system where you can select your personal choice of music to use during the service. Music does not have to be limited to classical pieces or a hymn. Favourite pop songs, musicals and even music recorded by a family member can personalise the funeral service. With enough notice, we are able to arrange musicians and/or a choir for the funeral service. Some examples include bagpipes or a bugler. Please ask us for details of cost and availability.

WEB CASTING It is possible at certain venues to transmit live chapel proceedings, privately and securely over the internet to invited guests. Using the latest network technologies, a virtual environment is provided in which absent family and friends can view the service from anywhere in the world. Please ask us for details of cost and availability.


Venue specific

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