62 Bereavement support When someone you love has died, there is so much to do: organising the funeral, contacting family and friends, notifying people of the death and dealing with the estate. It is only after the funeral has taken place that many people begin to come to terms with their new situation. Family and friends may offer help and companionship, but they lead their own lives too. For those whose families have grown up and left their parents to have families of their own, it is an especially difficult adjustment. We have developed our unique and experienced Bereavement Care because we understand just how hard this time can be. Bereavement Care is a service designed to support individual needs, and is open to anyone in the community, not just people who have used our services.
THE TEAM We are a small team of experienced and trainee counsellors who share a wealth of experience in helping and supporting the bereaved. The team has worked in funeral services for over 20 years and has qualifications in counselling and mindfulness. Together we can help to support you and the community in which we serve in a variety of different ways.
For further information please contact: 08081 691922
info@bereavementcare.uk bereavementcare.uk
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