King's Business - 1950-02


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O how love I thy law! it is my meditation j all the day/7 — Psalm 119:97

Yours Tree


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for SCRIPTURAL ILLUMINATION 48 pages monthly, prophetic truths, signs of the times, guidance, Bible nuggets. Don’t miss its important articles and news features.

Editor: Dr. Keith L. Brooks Associate Editor: Dr. V. C. Oltrogge Subscribe for America’s Original Prophetic Digest 10 mo., $1; Foreign, $1.35 yr. Be a part of the League’s world-wide prayer and mis­ sionary fellowship. Biblical books being supplied free to missionaries, needy workers and prisons as God’s people provide. Write for details of this faith and non-profit work. AM ER ICAN PRO PH ETIC L EA G U E , INC. B O X BB. EAGLE ROCK STATION LOS ANGELES 4!, CALIF M ISSION SPRINGS CONFERENCE GROUNDS In the Heart of the Santa Cruz Mountains CHRISTIAN CONFERENCES INVITED Outstanding: Facilities and Accommodations at Reasonable Rates Beautiful Descriptive Folder & Other Information sent on request by writing to C A M P M AN AG ER 1050 Lockhart Gulch Road, Route 1 Santa Cruz, California a two-way bridge to

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Page Two

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Dr. Talbot's Missionary Journey We have been reading The King’s Business, especially Dr. Talbot’s mis­ sionary messages. My opinion is that his articles, describing his present experi­ ences, are the best modern-day mission­ ary reports. They are thrilling, vivid pic­ tures of lands that have too long been vague to us. They challenge the reader in much the same way as the great mis­ sionary stories of the past. — T h e l m a D ec kakd Salt Lake City, Utah. I am so interested in Dr. Talbot’s re­ ports on his travels and the two issues we have had are wonderful. The one of his interview with General MacArthur is easily worth the price of the paper. —MRS. GRACE CLOUGH Portland, Ore. No Smoking for Christians I have read The King’s Business a lot and enjoy most of it, but William W. Orr’s article about young people on page 11 of the November issue didn’t go over so well with me. As Christians we can never over-en- courage everyone to stay clear of danc­ ing if they want to be Christians. Dr. Orr did a good job of explaining why dancing is dangerous, and I agree with him about that. But Dr. 0>rr seems to think you can be a Christian and smoke. I don’t know how you feel about it, but if someone were to come up to me with a cigar in his mouth and tell me he was saved, I would wonder what he was saved from. I have known of quite a few people being freed of their tobacco habit when they got saved. It seems to me that if it was all right to smoke and chew, God would have let them keep right on. The Bible plainly teaches that we can­ not be part Christlike and part worldly. If we are part worldly, God classes us as all worldly. Therefore I can’t see where I or anyone else could smoke and still call ourselves Christians. —DANIEL ROBINSON Rainier, Ore. -—This reader is referred to Dr. Orr’s editorial on smoking on page Uof this is­ sue. — Mg. Ed. Prays for Us I have been a constant reader for many years and greatly enjoy the grand articles and fine information. My soul is always blessed in reading it and I daily ask our Almighty God to strength­ en you in your wonderful work for our blessed Lord. MRS. ALMA HOPKINS Delano, Calif. I read The King’s Business with real interest, and pray the Lord’s blessings upon your greatly extended work for Him. —GLENN E. SMITH Sanford, Fla. F E B R U A R Y , 1 9 5 0

Official Publication of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

Louis T. Talbot, D.D.

Betty Bruechert Managing Editor

William W . Orr, D.D.

Editor in Chief

Associate Editor

Copyright, 1950, The King’s Business No part of this magazine may be reproduced without permission. All Rights Reserved. Vol. 41 FEBRUARY, 1950 No. 2


• R Reader Reaction .................................................................................. - ■’ Editorially Speaking ...........’•.................................................................. 4 The Press and the Christian W o r ld ....................................................... ® Dr. Talbot’s Question Box ..................................................................... 6 The Man with a Plan, Herbert L o c k y e r .............................................. 7 The Mind Under the B lo o d ..................................................................... ® Report from Changsha, J.Russell Davis ............................................. 1° Mormonism— Can it Stand Investigation? Arthur Budvarson . . . 11 The Bible in the News, WiUiam, W. O r r ............................................ 16 17 Miscellanea................................................................................................... Junior King’s Business: Birthday Fiesta, Dorothy C. Haskin . . . 19 Young People’s Topics, Walter L. W ils o n .......................................... 20 Sunday School Lessons, Homer A. Kent, AUison A rr ow o od ........... 23 Biola Family Circle ........................................................................... ^7 Object Lessons, Elmer L. W ild e r ............................................................. 28 Book Reviews ........................................................ ............................... .. • Picture Credit: Cover, Photo by A. R. Simmons, Monkmeyer Press Photo Service, New York. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION— “The King’s Business” is published monthy; $2.00, one • year; $1.00, six month; 20 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES—Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to “The King's Business.” Date of expiration will show plainly on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING—For information, address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, California. MANUSCRIPTS__“The King's Business” cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office at Los Angeles. Cali­ fornia, under the Act of March 8, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 638, P. L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. ADDRESS: The King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, California. Page Three

genuinely Biblical and that he under­ stood the meaning of the Scriptural phrases which he was using. In spite of political differences of opinion there is real necessity for the Christian people of our beloved America to constantly lay before the throne of grace the needs of our President and those who are in authority. At least three times on the pages of the New Testament Christians are exhorted not to fail in their duty to intercede for those in authority. First of all, there is the passage in Romans 13:1-7 where it is clearly and definitely stated that those in authority are ordained of God, and for the child of God there is to be no argument regarding the paying of tribute of custom or honor. Again in First Timothy 2:2 the matter of prayer is taken up with the promise of peace and quiet being obtained through this medium. A third passage in First Peter 2:13-15 points out that the Christian should live a life of honest submission to those in authority, the effect of which would be to put to silence the ig­ norance of foolish men. We believe there could be demonstra­ tion of national prosperity and peace never before obtained in the h5story of the land through the medium of Chris­ tian people praying for those who are in authority over them. Our observance has been that far too often both in pub­ lic and private prayer the child of God fails to lay before the throne of grace the needs of our government officials. If God’s Word is true, and we know that it is, the ills of government and the blunders of officialdom can be cured by concerted prayer. National problems will be decided rightly after Christian people have besought Almighty God for special wisdom to rest upon our elected officials. In other words, the problem narrows down to this: the goodness or evil of government depends upon the prayers of Christian people. The Christian and Tobacco A VERY fine, fair and factual article appears in the January issue of The Readers’ Digest on the subject of the smoking habits of the American people. Such an article has long been needed to present documentary evidence of the physical and mental hazards in­ volved in this habit which has such an amazing hold upon our nation. It is not our purpose to discuss the arguments pro and con relative to the use of tobacco by unsaved people; that is already well- covered in the afore-mentioned article. What The Readers’ Digest could not deal with was the matter of the Chris­ tian’s attitude toward the use of tobacco. For those who believe in the Bible as the Word of God, questions concerning the Christian life should not be decided alone on the basis of whether or not they are harmful to the body. An answer to these questions will be the deciding factor: “ Will this habit advance my spiritual life? Will what I am doing magnify the Lord? Can I do this to the T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Let us suppose that there were 200 members in each of the 700 churches co­ operating! That would mean a total of 140,000 professed Christians. Let us suppose that each one in this army of church members could be used of God to lead a soul to Christ during 1950 with full 365 days to testify to sinners and 365 nights to pray for His wisdom and help’. What an impressive total this would be, with 140,000 new born-again children of God in Southern California! Or, suppose this were possible: that each one of the members of the 700 co­ operating churches led an additional soul to Christ in eight weeks which was the length of the Graham meetings and that this soul-reaching campaign ex­ tended through the days of the new year! The number of new Christians would reach the fantastic total of 840,000 never-dying souls. One of the real weaknesses in the. church of Christ today is a subconscious conviction of the necessity of organiza­ tion before Christian work may be ac­ complished, whereas, in apostolic days, there was none of this. Rather, the church grew by leaps and bounds merely through the personal unadorned testi­ mony of non-professional, yet deeply sincere, Christians. It is time for us to reassure our own hearts that the Holy Spirit of God, without whom no soul can ever be saved, is ready, willing and anxious to use even the weakest Chris­ tian as a channel of the truths of God to needy sinners. Thank God for mass evangelism, the public preaching of the Word of God, the concerted prayers of Christian peo­ ple and the united efforts of churches. The day of mass evangelism has not passed as the Los Angeles campaign readily demonstrates. But along with this there should be the constant, steady rehearing of the individual Christian’s testimony in the ears of lost men and women. Never will the church of Christ grow as it should until both of these efforts are fulfilled completely.

Dr. Louis T. Talbot Returns A FTER an extended tour of four months in which he visited many of the major mission fields of the world, talked with scores of Biola missionaries, and preached through an interpreter to thousands of native Christians, Dr. Louis T. Talbot returned to Los Angeles on January 7. Dr. Talbot brought back approximately 7>000 feet of colored mo­ tion pictures taken on this trip. During the early months of spring, Dr. Talbot will be showing these pictures and tell­ ing of the needs of the various mission fields at the great Sunday afternoon rallies at the Church of the Open Door. After Easter, he plans an itinerary along the Pacific Coast, and pastors interested in having him in their churches are asked to write to Dr. William W. Orr, Extension Department of the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles, 558 S. Hope Street. It is now nearly two months since the close of the evangelistic campaign re­ cently conducted in Southern California by Dr. Billy Graham under the auspices of the Christ for Greater Los Angeles organization. There is no doubt but that a real work for God was done by this consecrated young man and his splendid corps of helpers and musicians. The city of Los Angeles, which is some­ what inured to unusual happenings, was genuinely stirred by the impact of the faithful and fearless preaching of the Word of God. The statistical re­ port showed that, with 700 churches co­ operating, there was a total attendance of 350,000 with 3,000 people professing Christ as personal Saviour. For these 3,000 we are profoundly grateful to God, and our confidence in the power of mass evangelism to sweep folks into the Kingdom of God has been restored. What now? We understand that a further campaign is planned in the fu­ ture for a neighboring Southern Cali­ fornia area, but must we wait for the erection of a tent and the smell of saw­ dust on the floor before more souls may be touched for Christ? Should not the spark of this accomplishment light fires in individual hearts to bring results far outdistancing the consequences of the campaign? Page Four Evaluating The Billy Graham Meetings

Don’t Neglect To Pray For The President

We were rather impressed with the Thanksgiving message of President Truman. Again, as in various other mes­ sages, he exhibited a certain understand­ ing of the Bible which seemed to indi­ cate that his early training had been

The Press and The Christian World Radio Luxembourg Evangelist Hyman J. Appelman has recently signed a contract with Radio Luxembourg in Europe to preach by transcription an evangelistic gospel mes­ sage half an hour every Thursday night beginning in February. Radio Luxemr bourg operates on 200,000 watts and covers 82% of Europe, with a potential listening audience of 34 million. While the p rogram is to be presented in English, plans are under way for an­ other period of broadcasting during which time Dr. Appelman will preach in Russian, German and Yiddish. Day of Prayer The American Council of Christian Churches suggests that a World Day of Prayer be observed around the globe, February 24, 1950. This is the eighth consecutive year in which the American Council has offered attractive and scrip­ tural programs to stimulate the time of prayer. The theme for the present year is Lamentations 3:40, “ Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord.” Word of Life Hour There is further expansion of the Word of Life Hour conducted by Jack Wyrtzen. Several new stations have been added to the network, two of which are 50,000 watt stations: WENR of Chicago and KMPC of Los Angeles. The Chicago broadcasting time is Saturday night from 5:00 to 5:30 and the Los Angeles hour 5:30 to 6:00 PM Sunday. Utah Christian Mission Rev. and Mrs. Harry A. McGimsey are missionaries to the Mormons in the Southwest part of the United States where Mormonism has been strong and is growing extensively. These missionaries are publishing vital tracts to place in the hands of Mormon people. As an example of the conditions in the Mormon Empire, Brother McGimsey reports that the Mormon mayor in Phoenix, Ariz., was recently re-elected by a four to one majority over his opponent. A Mighty Warrior Called Home As we go to press, word reaches us of the sudden Home-going on January 11, 1950, of Dr. Walter A. Maier, for over sixteen years the beloved Lutheran Hour radio minister, on leave from Concordia Lutheran Seminary of St. Louis, Mis­ souri. Absolutely fearless in his proclamation of the gospel, and in his denunciation of the sins of the day, the loss of this Second Luther is a blow to the church of Christ from which she will not soon recover. A fuller account of his life and work will appear in a later issue. Page Five

to realize that only through God and the working of the Holy Spirit could anything of eternal value be accom­ plished. To begin with, there were no funds, no outline of policy and no place for training, but all of these things were met in answer to prayer, and the story of the success of this army of approxi­ mately 30 young people is truly amazing and far too long for these columns. It has long been the policy of the Mormon people to send their young people for at least two years on what they call “ a mission.” This mission is spent in some designated area propa­ gandizing for the Mormon church and support is furnished by relatives and friends. May there not be some merit in a mission of this sort where Christian young people who are able to go could give a year of their lives to such a mis­ sion? Support for this purpose would easily be forthcoming, and one of the principles of the mission would be very simple and economical living. In this way progress would be made toward breaking down the idea of profession­ alism that has taken such a strong hold on Christian work today. Also there would be a revival of New Testament house-to-house lay evangelism which was so wonderfully productive of results for the kingdom of God in the early days of the church. This is truly something upon which to ponder. Alumni Notes We are very desirous of completing our Alumni files, and we would be very grateful if graduates of the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles or former students would send in their present addresses to the Alumni Office. We are constantly in receipt of in­ quiries regarding former students and graduates, and this work can be greatly expedited by correct addresses. If any­ one has the present address of former students or graduates who may not be receiving The King’s Business, it would be greatly appreciated if they would send us the information. Summer Vacations It is not too early to begin to plan for a summer vacation. One of the excellent movements that has risen during the past few years is the summer Bible Con­ ference movement. Hundreds of excel­ lent Bible Conferences are held in many beautiful spots the country over each summer. A Bible Conference is an excel­ lent combination of physical relaxation and spiritual refreshment for a vacation. In this connection let us remind you that the Bible Institute Conference will be held again this year at beautiful Mount Hermon in central California, August 13 to 20. Inquiries regarding this Confer­ ence should be addressed to the Exten­ sion Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 S. Hope St., Los An­ geles 13, California.

glory of God? Will men and women learn to love the Lord more through my indulgence in this thing?” Anything which brings a negative reply should be scrutinized very cloeely. The Christian passes through life only once and every day presents golden opportunities which shall never come again. This principle is set forth em­ phatically in First Corinthians 10:31 and Colossians 3:17. The Pope’s Invitation I N his Christmas message last year, Pope Pius again mentioned a cardinal point in the Roman Catholic philosophy of religion. It has long been the Roman Catholic belief that theirs was the only true church and that all other denomina­ tions were either heretic or schismatic. Now at the inception of the Catholic Church’s holy year the Pope has asked all communists, Jews, dissenters, schis­ matics, sinners and atheists to return to the only true church in anticipation of forgiveness and reconciliation. News Week reported that this was an invita­ tion to all men to return to “ God and the Church of Rome.” With the return to God we are in full accord. Certainly the world has wan­ dered far away from the right kind of a God-honoring life. Here is a message which may well be proclaimed from pulpits and housetops, that mankind in true contrition and on bended knee ought to approach the God of his fathers. But to return to God and the Roman Catholic Church is an absolute impossibility. We believe the Word of God shows the ten­ ets of Rome to be worlds away from the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ. The dogma upon which the present Roman Catholic Church rests is as far from the fundamental principles of the New Test­ ament as day is from night. The doctrines of auricular confession, prayers to saints, works of merit, purgatory and the like are absolutely foreign to the teachings of the Scriptures. So let the invitation be: Let us all return to God, both Protestants and Catholics. Let us all don the robes of genuine repentance and let us cry out mightily to God asking for His f o r g iv e ­ ness. God’s Invasion Army R ECENTLY a fresh approach to the problem of evangelism has been presented by a group of Baptist young people calling themselves God’s Invasion Army. It was laid upon the hearts of some Christian women to suggest to young people that they take a year out of their lives and form a team to go from house to house in a genuine evangelistic effort. Luring this year they were to be with­ out financial remuneration. Their ex­ penses were to be made known but they were to go forth on faith, depending upon prayer to bring in the necessary funds. Most of the volunteers had no special training and each one was made F E B R U A R Y , 1 9 5 0

We often read in the Bible of how people were “ troubled?’ at the appearance of angels. Was this because the angels were holy and in their presence mcm was conscious of his sinfulness? Undoubtedly. And the very fact that the appearances were supernatural also greatly troubled those to whom the holy angels appeared. However, when we get to Heaven, the sight of all the myriads of angels and of the archangels will not trouble us, for Heaven will be “home.” Home is the place where there is no em­ barrassment and no strangeness. One of the most beautiful descriptions of Heaven is found in the word “home.” We shall not be troubled there. We shall rejoice to look upon the sinless Son of God, unafraid in His presence, because we are washed in His precious blood. When we pray for the restoration of a dear one’s health, should we add, “ Thy will be done” ? I have been told that, to do this, shows a lack of faith, and that we are to claim healing. In matters like bodily healing, we should be submissive to the will of God; in fact, we should always glory in the will of God, whatever that will should bring. Sometimes it is contrary to the will of God that we should be healed, as in the case of Paul. In Second Corinthians, 12:7-10 he tells us that, lest he should “ be exalted above measure,” become proud because of the revelation given unto him from God, he was given a “ thorn in the flesh,” to keep him humble. Bible students generally agree that this “ thorn in the flesh” was very poor eye­ sight. Paul prayed thrice that it might be removed; but God said, rather, “My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” Is it right for a Christian to carry life insurance? Does it show a lack of faith to do so? To carry life insurance is but to make a business investment, in order to provide for one’s family in the event of death. And Paul wrote, saying, “ If any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel” (1 Tim. 5 :8). The life insurance companies do a legitimate business, in compliance with the law; and it is entirely legal, business-like, and Christian to take ad­ vantage of this means of fulfilling one’s obligation to his own. If any Christian feels otherwise about the matter, then let him follow the dictates of his own con­ science; but to us there seems nothing contrary to Christian principles in such a business matter. How would you show one who believes in baptismal regeneration the error of his teaching? By pointing out the dozens of refer­ ences in the Bible that tell us plainly how to be saved—by faith in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Some of Page Six

Why did the Lord Jesus Christ ad­ dress His mother as “woman” as in John 2:1/.? Was this not a title of disrespect? Not at all. When Jesus was on the cross, He addressed her in the same way: “When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son!” (John 19:26). It is thought by some that in those days the word was almost equal to our word “ lady.” It was a title of respect; for when one woman went to Jesus, exer­ cising great faith, and He wished to com­ mend her, He said, “ 0 woman, great is thy faith” (Matt. 15:28). There is, however, no evidence that the Lord Jesus ever used the title “mother" when speaking to Mary after He entered upon His public ministry. A new rela­ tionship had been established the moment He stepped out of His home life at Naz­ areth, and began His ministry. (Compare Matt. 12:46-50). From that time on, it was His supernatural parentage that He emphasized—that He was the only begot­ ten Son of the Father in Heaven. I have a very kind letter from a Roman Catholie who asks, “Does not the angel’s statement to Mary in Luke 1 :£S , ‘Blessed art thou among women’ justify us in ex­ alting the mother of our Lord?” In saying, “ Blessed art thou among women,” the angel said no more than had been said of many other women in the Bible. It is written in Judges 5:24 concerning “Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite” that she should be “ blessed above women,” whereas it is said of Mary, “blessed art thou among women.” There is, therefore, more reason for exalting Jael than Mary, according to the mean­ ing of the term. The same word “ blessed” is used 41 times in the New Testament, and often in the Old Testament. For example, we read: “ Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered” (Psa. 32:1). “ Blessed is he that considereth the poor” (Psa. 41:1). Dozens of similar verses might be quoted. The word “ blessed” simply means “happy.” Mary was “happy” in being chosen as the mother of her Saviour, and she naturally rejoiced in the thought that all genera­ tions would call her happy. Mary herself denied the doctrine of the immaculate conception when she said in Luke 1:47, “ My spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.” The name “ Saviour” implies sin, as seen in the angel’s words to Joseph: “ Thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21). Again, Mary exults in the mercy of God: “His mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation” (Luke 1:50). From the context it is evi­ dent that she includes herself among the recipients of this mercy. Mercy implies sin. Where there is no sin, there is no need of mercy. Mary was a good woman, but she did not claim to be sinless. T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

these are: John 1:29; 3:16, 36; 5:24; Acts 16:31. There are hundreds of pas­ sages which definitely state that faith in the Lamb of God, and faith in Him alone, saves the soul. The thief on the cross had no time to be baptized; yet the Lord Jesus promised that he would go with Him to paradise. Of course, we should obey the Lord’s command by being baptized. But this ordinance is a testimony before men, an­ gels, and demons, that we are trusting the blood of Christ; it is not essential to salvation. It follows salvation. Therefore, to claim that it is essential to salvation, is to limit the efficacy of Calvary’s cross. How can there be degrees of reward for saints in Heaven? Would that not be a source of envy and strife? The Bible teaches that there are de­ grees of reward in Heaven. (See First Corinthians 3:11-15.) The Bible also teaches that there will be no envy in Heaven. Nothing shall enter there that would defile. We do not have to harmo­ nize these things. However, even with our finite minds, we can readily see that just as some have a greater spiritual understanding— shall I say capacity for the things of God?—just as some let Christ take their whole lives now on earth, even so will their capacity for the enjoyment of Heaven be greater. The little child who loves the Lord is as happy as can be; but surely the older we grow and the more we have fellowship with Christ, the greater our love for Him. I like to think of our rewards in Heav­ en as something that shall be “to the praise of his glory,” something that will mean even greater service for Christ throughout all eternity, rather than think of rewards as something for our own glory. I like to think of the crowns await­ ing the Christian in this light—all to show forth the praises of Him who hath called us out of darkness into His mar­ velous light. To me, this settles all such questions as the one you ask. Again, our Lord’s words in Luke 12:48 should cause us to think seriously of our responsibility in giving out the gospel: “ Unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.”


By Herbert Lockyer, D.D.*

O N every hand we read and hear a great deal about plans. We have the Truman Plan, with its over­ all policy of curbing inflation, tax reduc­ tion and imposition of limited controls. There is the Marshall Plan, covering, as it does, immediate and continuous European relief. Recently, we were given the Benin Plan, in which the British labor leader stresses the necessity of uniting the nations of western Europe as a bulwark against Communism. Somehow, in all of these plans of men, we have lost sight of the fact that attention to the Christ Plan for world evangelization would greatly help to solve many of the national and interna­ tional problems which politically con­ ceived schemes seek to eliminate. Such a master plan is indicated in at least three' passages of Holy Writ. For example, there is the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20: “ Jesus . . . spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” Then just before His ascension, the Master reiterated this World Plan of His in these words: “ Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:8). From these key passages we discover three inescapable aspect^ of Christ’s commission of His own for world evan­ gelism, namely, The Plan, the Power and the Presence. *Formerly of London, England. Evan­ gelist, Bible teacher, Author. Recent speaker at the Torrey Memorial Confer­ ence, Bible Institute, Los Angeles-.

the fact of sin, and God’s peerless remedy for it. Alas, to our shame the universal plan of the Master, after 1900 years of Christian witness, has not been realized. Millions in all lands have never heard the gospel. The Plan is also constructive. The directions are explicit. We are to teach, preach, witness, make disciples, baptize, and this applies to all the world. Em­ phasis is upon the declaration of a posi­ tive, saving message. Primarily Christ sent His disciples into the world to win its lost inhabitants unto Himself. Edu­ cational, medical and social activities may follow the herald of the cross, but pre-eminent in Christ’s commission is the salvation of souls and their inclusion within the mystic fabric of His church. What then is the nature of the gospel we are to preach in all the world? The Scriptures reply: “ It behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: And that repentance and re­ mission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And ye are witnesses of

The Plan The Plan is four-fold in operation: Comprehensive, Constructive, Common, Commanded. It is comprehensive because it has all men in mind. Earth-born plans are limit­ ed in their scope and benefits, but in Christ’s Plan there are everwidening circles: Every creature, all the world, Jerusalem (home base), all Judaea, Samaria, uttermost parts of the earth. God so loved the world, and world evangelization was Christ’s objective as He commissioned His own. To God,Wendell Willkie’s “ OneWorld” is a reality, for He sees it as a world of sinners lost and ruined by the fall. We divide the world into heathen or Chris­ tian, Jews, Catholics or Protestants. But He who “made of one blood all na­ tions,” declares that all have sinned and therefore all/ need to hear of His Son, the Saviour of the world. Thus, today, God is saving the heathen, not as heathen, nor Jews as Jews, nor Catholics as Catholics, but all merely as sinners. Our responsibilty is to go wherever men are found, to proclaim

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these things” (Luke 24:46-48). This is equivalent to witnessing unto Him (Acts 1:8). An old Scottish divine once re­ marked that Christ did not come to preach the gospel, but that there might be a gospel to preach. But the Church has failed to bear the glad tidings of redeeming grace to the millions of earth. Christ’s plan is common, and one which every true disciple may help ful­ fill. The commission to evangelize is individual, as well as corporate. “ Go ye” ! And “ ye” means you and me. These passages are not limited to missionary activities in the regions beyond. We speak of “ home” and “foreign” work, but in the early church every Christian was a missionary or witness—a fact accounting for the rapid spread of the gospel throughout the Roman world. What does Christ’s command “ to every creature” mean? Does it not imply that every saved creature must endeavor to tell each unsaved creature, near at hand, the blessed news of deliverance from sin by the Cross? Twice over, Christ urged His own to begin at Jerusalem, the home base. And is there not need to double up on per­ sonal evangelism? The rim of the divine commission—the uttermost part of the earth: the hub of the wheel is Jeru­ salem. Can it be that the Church is failing to realize that the extension of Christ’s church abroad depends upon aggressive evangelism at home? Last of all, the Plan is a command. “ Go,” says the Commander. “ Teach all nations . . . whatsoever I have com­ manded you.” “Ye shall be witnesses.” Such authoritative language cannot be overlooked. If Christ has said to go, He does not mean to stay at home and pay for another to go in our stead. We are to go into our part of the world and witness to those nearest us, our Jerusa­ lem. If not, we are living in disobedience to a command, as imperative as any God ever gave. The Power Too often, man-evolved plans, although brilliantly conceived, fail to materialize. But with Christ’s plan there can be no failure, from His side, although tragi­ cally we may fail Him. For a moment let us look at the double aspect of the divine power necessary to execute the plan o f world evangelism. Behind the command, “ Go ye,” there is the power delegated to Christ by the Father, and also the power of the Spirit delegated to every witness by Christ. “ Ye shall receive power, the Holy Spirit coming upon you.” The Person is the power, for spiritual power is but the manifestation of the presence of the Spirit of God. Commanded, then, to make disciples of all nations, we are not left to our own resources in the supreme task of evangelization. “ Faithful is he who call- eth you, who also will do it.” We are certainly commanded to go out and Page Eight

preach and teach the gospel to every creature, to the creature nearest us at home, neighborhood or office, but His commands are enablings. He never sends us forth to the warfare upon our own charges. A double empowerment is ours. A study of The Acts reveals how the first generation of witnesses appropri­ ated both the power of the risen, as­ cended Lord and the power of the Spirit. How dynamically they preached and taught the Word! Believing that all power in Heaven and on earth was the Lord’s, the apostles turned their world upside down. Within the first century

own, “ It is expedient for you that I go away . . . I leave the world, and go to the Father” ? Yet here He assures them, “I am with you alway.” The disciples knew that the Lord went with them and worked with them. He left the world in the visible body they had seen; now they were to endure as “ seeing him, who is invisible.” To the early church, Christ was indeed “ a living, bright reality.” With the “ Go” there was the “ Lo.” It was said of Phillips Brooks that he preached as if Jesus Christ was stand­ ing at his side. So He was! The first century heralds had the same feeling. They knew that Christ was present. This accounts for the miraculous element in their labors for God. The unseen Ally was at hand, energizing His own as they ceased not to teach and preach Him. Gradually, however, the church lost the sense of Christ’s presence. There came the Laodicean period when He was no longer the Source and Center of the Church’s life and activities. This is why He pictures Himself as standing outside a closed door, pleading for ad­ mission (Rev. 3:20). No longer was the church Christ-possessed and Christ- centered ; it had forgotten the divine declaration, “ I am he that liveth.” What is the sad story of succeeding ages? Is it not the substitution of ritual for the Redeemer? Departing from the Great Commission and the realization of the Presence of the Commander Him­ self in its fulfillment, the church has multiplied its vestments, candles, altars, crosses and crucifixes, forms and cere­ monies. Ritualism indicates the absence of spiritual realities. The One John saw midst the seven golden candlesticks de­ clared, “ I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for ever­ more” (Rev. 1:18). What is our solemn obligation in an age like this, so pregnant with oppor­ tunity? Is it not a speedy return to first century evangelism? Must we not study anew the last commission of the Master, and then go out into our part of the world to declare a positive gospel, and witness to the fact and force of a living, ever-present Christ as the unfailing source of conquest? To each of us the Man with a Plan is saying, “ Go ye.” Because there is no other plan for the salvation of the world we dare not fail. Christ alone can save the lost, whether they be in America or Africa, but He does not work alone for their redemption. He counts upon the full co-operation of those who have ex­ perienced His saving grace to deliver the message. Whether we endeavor to witness in the suburbs or slums of the community we represent, or hope to journey on to our Judeas, Samarias and regions beyond, may ours ever be the realization of His blessed presence. Whether our ministry is public or per­ sonal, local or universal, may it be fruitful and effective because it is Christ- honoring, and fragrant with His abiding presence. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

the Church rapidly spread. Marvelous conquests were experienced. Men like Peter, Philip, Barnabas and Paul knew that a power, not their own, was con­ tinually imparted unto them. Here is the secret of their effective witness: Under the impact of power from above, the church became Christ- exalting. The apostles witnessed unto Christ. They preached Jesus and the resurrection. They determined to know nothing among men save Christ and Him crucified. Positively they pro­ claimed, not dogmas, but a Deliverer. Divinely empowered, the early church was likewise a Spirit-possessed and a united church. This was why His presi­ dency and power were constantly in evidence. Motivated by a common passion to preach the gospel, the early believers knew no fear. On it went, triumphantly claiming fresh territory for the Lord of glory. No wonder that The Acts is the greatest missionary annal ever written! Would that the church today could capture that vision and venture, daring and dynamic faith and fearlessness! They never apologized for the gospel; they obeyed without question. Under­ standing clearly the Master’s plan for world evangelization, they hurled the Cross into the face of a godless world, believing that it was only through the preaching of the Cross that lost men could be saved. And what a harvest of souls there was! The Presence The Man with a Plan is ever with His servants. It seems a contradiction of terms. Had Jesus not said unto His

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“ Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be establishedV Prov. 16:3. “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind” Rom. 12:2. T HE mind has been likened to the room of a house where visitors are entertained. All visitors to one’s threefold being come in through the mind. They first enter the mind, then drop down into the spirit and get root, then possess the whole man. Thoughts are bold and daring things, and strong and persistent. Like armed men they force themselves into the mind. They come enticingly. They come insinu­ atingly. They come threateningly. They come in a thousand ways. They come single; they come in droves. Some wait at the door of the mind and push and crowd to get in while the room is full. They keep up a din and chatter and strain the nerves and chill the heart. Fear dashes into the mind and captures us and holds us fast. A thought knocked at the door of the mind. It was admitted and entertained. Passion enters the mind. It is looked at a while, then possesses the whole being and leads to sin and shame. Anxiety and nervousness appear and drive off rest and keep one sleepless all night for nothing. Doubt, as full of death as hell itself, is let in and consulted with, and blows out every light and fills the room with darkness. Trouble, many - faced, many - handed, big and squatty, will fill the mind and stay all day, and return in the morning by the time you open your eyes. Cares, weighing a thousand pounds each, come to unload in the room. Old Self, under God’s judgment, and refusing to die, wants to stay on hand all the time, with a ready sword of protec­ tion and having pitying attendants on hand with fans and camphor bottles in case it is hit or wounded or slighted or knocked down. It wants the best chair in the mind and the most attention notwith­ standing it is the most unwholesome F E B R U A R Y , 1 9 5 0

visitor on hand. It has been deposed of God and is under His everlasting curse, and yet wants to lurk around all the time. And friends and foes and husbands and wives and children, and tomorrow, and houses and lands, and the work on hand of whatever nature, and what was and what is and what is to be, and this and that and the other, real and imagi­ nary, and demon impressions and sug­ gestions, and the thoughts of friends and foes toward you, coming to you in dream and while awake as swift messengers— all these things in the different shapes and sizes and sounds will harass and possess and occupy and claim all the at­ tention of the mind possible, if allowed. Thousands are in the grave and the madhouse, and other thousands are in physical torments and sickness because of the mind thus occupied. And many honest souls are craving deliverance. How is it found? These visitors cannot be humanly driven off. They are too many and too strong and too smart for us. They have no shame nor feeling. Kick them out and they are right back. Throw them out and they get right up and come in again. Lock the door and they every one have a master key. But thank God there is a way of deliverance from these tormenting thoughts, spirits, things. And that way is through the precious blood of the Lamb of God once slain. When my eyes opened from sleep these thoughts of past, present and future trouble were on hand to torment me. They had made an early start. They would come trooping in. I was helpless. I knew not what to do with them. Then the Lord showed me that door in Egypt with the blood sprinkled over and around it (Exodus 12:21-24), into which no evil, tormenting spirit could come, and that I was just simply to be willing to commit my mind unto Him in helplessness and then to claim and believe and see the blood of Christ over and around it, just

like that door, that room in Egypt. It was a new and blessed thought to me. I did so. They came again and I said, “ The blood is over the door. The world is dead to me, and I am dead to the world. You cannot enter under the blood.” They backed off. Again and again they would come, but I simply pointed to the blood over the door; the mind. I thought on the blood whenever they came; and soon their power was gone and they ceased their visitations; my torments ceased; my mind had rest, as I committed all to God and thought on the blood. The spot­ less Lamb of God has shed His most precious blood for you, to cleanse and cover and free and keep you, not only from sin and sickness, but in mind from torments and distractions as well. The blood is your one safety. Not a death - dealing, troubling, tormenting, fearful visitor could enter the room that night in Egypt where the blood was on the door. And dear, tormented soul, a thousandfold more real and powerful than the blood of that little lamb is the precious blood of the Lamb of God. See by faith His blood sprinkled over the mind, the door to your being, and when these things appear and knock for atten­ tion, throw up your hands, helpless soul, and point them to the blood on the door. By faith put death between them and you. Consent to your death in that blood and take your place definitely and con­ tinually under its protection. Say to thoughts and all hindering visi­ tors to the mind’s distraction from God and peace, “ I am dead to you and you are dead to me.” Say it in faith; say it over and over; say it persistently, believe that the blood is on the door of your mind and that it is protecting you as God said it would. Reprinted by permission of Good News Publishers, Chicago, 111. Page Nine


gospel to those who are today, more than ever before, in the darkness and ri shaddw of death. This work has very real and special difficulties, but these men carry on despite hardships and trials, with the one, great desire of lead­ ing their countrymen to a knowledge of Christ. 3. The Orphanage: As would be ex­ pected in any society where every effort is being made to win the youth to the Communistic ideology, there has been more trouble in this branch of our work than in any other. As our staff has sought to train this group of war-orphan boys and girls in the gospel, so those now in power are seeking to convert them to a belief in Communism as their salvation, hope and glory. We still have 120 of these children under our care, and provide food, clothing, medical at­ tention and spiritual training for them. Difficulties have been great, but at the last report, things were going much more smoothly and we can hope that there will be continued opportunities to win the young ones for whom Christ also died. 4. The Scofield Correspondence School: Under the able direction of Dr. Charles A. Roberts, this important branch of our work has been restarted in the British Colony of Hong Kong. From there this work is spreading throughout all of southeast Asia, and many Chinese Christians who cannot attend Bible Schools have the opportunity to study God’s Word. Dr. Roberts also has had many opportunities to conduct Bible conferences and minister God’s Word in Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok and other cities of Asia. God is still working, and His work and workers still carry on amid the growing darkness. It is the policy of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles that this work will be carried on as long as the doors remain open for Christian work in China. Expenses are heavy, but we know that Christian friends will continue to pray for and support this work for God. You can be confident that your gifts will get to China and there will be used in a manner that will glorify God and further His work among these unfortunate, suffering people. May God raise up many praying, faithful friends in this time of urgent need, who will be “workers together” with us, and more important, with God, in this great task. Your urgent prayers are requested for Dr. Roberts in Hong Kong, for Rev. and Mrs. William Ebeling, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gaussen and their families, in Changsha, and for the consecrated Chinese Christians identified with them in this work. “Where prayer focuses, power falls.” T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

By J. Russell Davis*

tacts we have known that the work was still going on, and were able to trans­ mit necessary funds for the carrying on of the work. The reports recently received give us the following picture of the various phases of the work of the Hunan Bible Institute in China: 1. The Bible School and Seminary: Classes have continued without inter­ ruption since the occupation of the city, as a summer school was in progress when that took place. As a result of this summer term, our first post-war gradu­ ating class completed their work and were sent forth to take their places in the ranks of those faithful and coura-

One of our Changsha orphans A S THE red shadow of Communism . has spread slowly but inevitably over China, Christian people everywhere are asking what will be its eifect on the work of missions in that great land. In order that our readers may know what is happening, and thus be able to pray more intelligently, we bring you an up- to-the-minute report from the Hunan Bible Institute, which is the China De­ partment of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. On August 6th, 1949, the Communist armies entered Changsha, the capital of Hunan Province, and the location of the beautiful campus of the Huhan B'ble In­ stitute. The changeover from Nation­ alist to Communist governments had long been expected, and was smoothly carried out, with many of the city offi­ cials staying on to serve the new “ Peo­ ple’s Government.” Order and discipline were maintained by the incoming troops, and while it was a time of severe strain for our staff there, still we praise God they were all kept safely through it. After the first days of uncertainty, they were gradu­ ally able to resume their former work. We did not have mail directly from Changsha until nearly the end of De­ cember, but have been in constant touch by cable with the two China Inland Mission families there who are helping in the work of the Institute through the kind co-operation of1that great or­ ganization. They have also been able to contact the Superintendent of the Hunan Bible Institute, Dr. Charles A. Roberts, who, while awaiting the issuance of an entrance visa into China by the new government, has been in Hong Kong engaging in conference work, and direct­ ing the operations of our correspondence school from that city. By these con- *Field representative of the Hunan Bible Institute, Changsha, China. Page Ten

Chinese Pagoda

geous men and women who are serv­ ing our Lord in the face of great diffi­ culties in China today. A new term was started in September, but only return­ ing students were accepted, as uncertain conditions made it seem unwise to take new students. The training program for Christian leaders carries on, and we trust the way will be open to receive new students in the near future. 2. The Evangelistic Bands: Evangelism among those iwho have never had the opportunity of hearing the” Good News has always been a basic part of the pro­ gram of the Hunan Bible Institute, and we rejoice that we still have a faithful band of men who are out bearing God’s

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