King's Business - 1950-02


gospel to those who are today, more than ever before, in the darkness and ri shaddw of death. This work has very real and special difficulties, but these men carry on despite hardships and trials, with the one, great desire of lead­ ing their countrymen to a knowledge of Christ. 3. The Orphanage: As would be ex­ pected in any society where every effort is being made to win the youth to the Communistic ideology, there has been more trouble in this branch of our work than in any other. As our staff has sought to train this group of war-orphan boys and girls in the gospel, so those now in power are seeking to convert them to a belief in Communism as their salvation, hope and glory. We still have 120 of these children under our care, and provide food, clothing, medical at­ tention and spiritual training for them. Difficulties have been great, but at the last report, things were going much more smoothly and we can hope that there will be continued opportunities to win the young ones for whom Christ also died. 4. The Scofield Correspondence School: Under the able direction of Dr. Charles A. Roberts, this important branch of our work has been restarted in the British Colony of Hong Kong. From there this work is spreading throughout all of southeast Asia, and many Chinese Christians who cannot attend Bible Schools have the opportunity to study God’s Word. Dr. Roberts also has had many opportunities to conduct Bible conferences and minister God’s Word in Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok and other cities of Asia. God is still working, and His work and workers still carry on amid the growing darkness. It is the policy of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles that this work will be carried on as long as the doors remain open for Christian work in China. Expenses are heavy, but we know that Christian friends will continue to pray for and support this work for God. You can be confident that your gifts will get to China and there will be used in a manner that will glorify God and further His work among these unfortunate, suffering people. May God raise up many praying, faithful friends in this time of urgent need, who will be “workers together” with us, and more important, with God, in this great task. Your urgent prayers are requested for Dr. Roberts in Hong Kong, for Rev. and Mrs. William Ebeling, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gaussen and their families, in Changsha, and for the consecrated Chinese Christians identified with them in this work. “Where prayer focuses, power falls.” T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

By J. Russell Davis*

tacts we have known that the work was still going on, and were able to trans­ mit necessary funds for the carrying on of the work. The reports recently received give us the following picture of the various phases of the work of the Hunan Bible Institute in China: 1. The Bible School and Seminary: Classes have continued without inter­ ruption since the occupation of the city, as a summer school was in progress when that took place. As a result of this summer term, our first post-war gradu­ ating class completed their work and were sent forth to take their places in the ranks of those faithful and coura-

One of our Changsha orphans A S THE red shadow of Communism . has spread slowly but inevitably over China, Christian people everywhere are asking what will be its eifect on the work of missions in that great land. In order that our readers may know what is happening, and thus be able to pray more intelligently, we bring you an up- to-the-minute report from the Hunan Bible Institute, which is the China De­ partment of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. On August 6th, 1949, the Communist armies entered Changsha, the capital of Hunan Province, and the location of the beautiful campus of the Huhan B'ble In­ stitute. The changeover from Nation­ alist to Communist governments had long been expected, and was smoothly carried out, with many of the city offi­ cials staying on to serve the new “ Peo­ ple’s Government.” Order and discipline were maintained by the incoming troops, and while it was a time of severe strain for our staff there, still we praise God they were all kept safely through it. After the first days of uncertainty, they were gradu­ ally able to resume their former work. We did not have mail directly from Changsha until nearly the end of De­ cember, but have been in constant touch by cable with the two China Inland Mission families there who are helping in the work of the Institute through the kind co-operation of1that great or­ ganization. They have also been able to contact the Superintendent of the Hunan Bible Institute, Dr. Charles A. Roberts, who, while awaiting the issuance of an entrance visa into China by the new government, has been in Hong Kong engaging in conference work, and direct­ ing the operations of our correspondence school from that city. By these con- *Field representative of the Hunan Bible Institute, Changsha, China. Page Ten

Chinese Pagoda

geous men and women who are serv­ ing our Lord in the face of great diffi­ culties in China today. A new term was started in September, but only return­ ing students were accepted, as uncertain conditions made it seem unwise to take new students. The training program for Christian leaders carries on, and we trust the way will be open to receive new students in the near future. 2. The Evangelistic Bands: Evangelism among those iwho have never had the opportunity of hearing the” Good News has always been a basic part of the pro­ gram of the Hunan Bible Institute, and we rejoice that we still have a faithful band of men who are out bearing God’s

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