King's Business - 1950-02

DON'T BUY THAT BIBLE Until you hove seen THE INSTANT INDEX All books of Bible and New Testament chapters visible by Index. Locate passages with mere flick of finger. Seven prices $6.75 to $14.25. Large print King James. Write. Instant Bible Index Co.. Flora, 111. LINDA VISTA BAPTIST BIBLE CO LLEGE AND SEMINARY Liberal Arts Theology Christian Education Dormitory Housing for Both Married and Single Students A vailable Immediately APPROVED FOR VETERANS SAN DIEGO II CALIFORNIA

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March 5, 1950 WHY DO WE BELIEVE IN EVANGELISM? Matt. 28:16-20 The gospel is not good advice; it is good news. The gospel is not a program for living; it is a message about a gift. It is only attractive to those whose hearts are yearning for peace with God. Evangelism is the preaching of this good gospel. It is the only answer to man’s need. It is the only solution to man’s problem. It is the only remedy for man’s sin. It is the only antidote for the dev­ astation and destitution that sin has brought into every nation. Evangelism Did Something to Me 1 John 5:13 Every saved person can testify that evangelism, which is the preaching of the gospel, brought salvation and light and peace to his soul. Because of evan­ gelism it was possible to receive the Holy Spirit and to become a new creature in Christ Jesus. Because of evangelism, this new life that links us with Heaven en­ tered the soul. The Bible became a new book. A new song filled the heart — a new vision filled the eyes of the under­ standing. Christ became precious. Evangelism Does Something to Others John 3:36 Evangelism — the preaching of the gospel — has transformed cannibals, has clothed the naked heathen, and has brought civilization to those who sat in darkness. The gospel has transformed drunkards into fine citizens and cruel husbands into loving companions. We have seen God’s good gospel change the tavern visitor into a church attendant. We have seen cruel men become tender and kind under the influence of gospel preaching as given by godly men. Evangelism Reveals God’s Heart 1 John 4:10 The God of Heaven made known His love for men of the earth by giving His

Son to be their Saviour. He was willing that Christ should be crowned with thorns that we might be crowned with glory. He was willing for the darkness to settle upon His suffering Son that we might be brought into eternal light. He sent the Saviour into the midst of wicked men that we might be brought into the association of holy angels. God opens His heart in the gospel. Evangelism Reveals Man’s Need John 8:24 The God of creation had at His com­ mand and subject to His will everything and every law in the universe. In His omniscience and omnipotence, He found that nothing else would do for man’s salvation and inspiratign and transfor­ mation except the coming of Christ Jesus to be born of a virgin, suffer at the hands of wicked men, die in our stead, and then return to the throne of Heaven. The need must have been tremendous or the gift would not have been so stupen­ dous. The great Saviour is equal to our great need. March 12, 1950 SPREADING THE GOOD NEWS TODAY John 14:12-14; Acts 13:2, 3, 46-49 There is no question but what the great need of our neighbors and friends today is to hear the gospel through evangelistic preaching. Most of the large, fashionable churches have eliminated evangelism from their program. Multi­ tudes of church members have never heard the gospel and do not know the way of salvation. We need to preach the gospel to the preachers, and explain the gospel to the teachers, and present the gospel to our leaders as well as to the great public that traverses our streets. God’s gospel is the only remedy f 6r to­ day’s needs. THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

L A N T E R N SL I DES Missionaries and Christian Workers: You can have your black and white snapshots or printed pictures turned into beautiful color«! glass slides (2"x2" or 3^4"x4") at 75 cents each. (Discount on quan­ tity). Over 15 Progressive years at this address. C. WHITFIELD SIMS Phone CLeveland 66129 6176 Myosotis Street Los Angeles 42, Calif.

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SACRED PIANO SOLOS “There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” Classical arrangements. Original introductions. Rich harmonies. Brilliant cadenzas. Modulations, Chimes. Suitable for radio performances. Each 35c. ALL THREE $1.00 postpaid. Order from GORDON E. HOOKER 558 So. Hope Street Los Angeles 13, Calif. “Blessed Be the Fountain” “ Safe in the Arms of Jesus”


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atmosphere at Multnomah. Young people grow in devotional life through opportunities provided for Christian service and experience. Multnomah is a school where your gtfts buildfruitful lives. Writeforfurther details. “ Doorstop Evangel” FREE to Inquirers M U L T N O M A H School ot the B I B L E W illard M. Aldrich. Th.D., President John G . Mitchell, D.D., Vice President 632 N .E. Holladay St. Portland 14, Oregon Page Twenty

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