King's Business - 1950-02


The herbs and bushes produce others like themselves. The trees reproduce them­ selves as like produces like. The grain seeds the ground and reproduces more grains. The animals reproduce others like themselves. So Christians are to be fruitful. By word of mouth, by the pen, by the printed page, we, too, plant the seed in the lives of others to produce a crop for God. All Believers Are “ Seed” Matt. 13:38 The Lord Jesus said, “ The good seed are the children of the kingdom.” We do not know how much crop we can pro­ duce. The Lord of the harvest, the Holy Spirit, knows where each Christian can and will produce the best crop for God’s glory. He also knows the soil that is best suited to the needs of each seed and therefore He plants us where He wants us. He knows where the best climate, temperature, moisture, and other condi­ tions exist which will enable the seed to grow and be fruitful. Let us depend on the Lord of the harvest. All Believers Are Light Eph. 5:8 We were one time darkness. No one received spiritual help from us. No one learned the meaning of the Scripture from our lips. No one understood the ways of God from our messages. How­ ever, when we were saved by grace, God made us light so that we might bring the knowledge of God and His Word to others. The Holy Spirit knows where our kind of light is most needed and where it will shine to the best advantage. Let us learn to depend upon Him. All Believers Are Witnesses Luke 24:48 We are witnesses both by what we say and by what we do. We are witnesses by our message and by our manner. We are walking advertisements for our blessed Lord, and we reveal to others all that He has done for and to and with and in us. We invite inspection from the unsaved. The Christian is happy to advertise the work of the risen Lord in his heart and life. He is glad to testify to the change wrought in his heart by the Holy Spirit. He is glad to tell others of the glorious news of the saving power of the living Saviour. We are witnesses concerning the Saviour. All Believers Are Ambassadors 2 Cor. 5:20 Sinners do not usually get to God themselves. They do not know God’s thoughts npr His ways nor do they understand His words. We are God’s messengers to the world of lost sinners. We are ambassadors to tell of God’s good will and of His desire to save their souls and transform their lives. The ungodly will never know God unless we step into the breach and tell them God’s message from God’s Word. Let us seek to be so Spirit-filled that we shall speak clearly and plainly and convincingly for the glory of our risen Christ.

March 26, 1950 EVANGELIZE THROUGH CHURCH VOCATIONS Rom. 10:9-15; Eph. 4:8,11,12 There are many lines of Christian work in which there is no Christ, no gos­ pel, and no knowledge of God. Many religious workers are like Noah’s car­ penters—they built the ark of safety, they worked in God’s program, and yet never entered themselves nor realized their danger in staying outside of Christ. Many of those engaged in church life never met the Saviour, the Head of the Church. We should be very careful that Christian vocations are not Christless enterprises. Teachers May Testify of Christ Matt. 28:19 Teachers occupy a very important place in the world. Students look up to them, believe them, and expect the truth from them. They may tell of the value of Christ Jesus, the Author and Source of all education, or they may hide it. They may teach students mathematics and yet tell them that this study will not make them godly nor honest nor good nor saved. Teachers of history may show the final tragedy of Babylon, Rome, Greece because they rejected God and His Word. Teachers may exalt Christ. Laborers May Testify of Christ 2 Cor. 6:1 All honest labor is commendable. But labor without Christ is most unsatisfac­ tory and does not produce fine results in society nor in business. How wonderful it would be if we heard the plumber sing­ ing the songs of Zion as he works. How delightful it would be to hear the car­ penters and the bricklayers and the plas­ terers singing or whistling or humming the songs of Zion as they labor. How beneficial it would be if we heard men on the street and in the clubs talking about the wonders of God and the loveli­ ness of Christ. This would be most en­ riching. Officers May Testify of Christ 1 Cor. 7:24 Leaders in business, officers of banks, managers of the city government, all may present the loveliness of Christ and the value of His Word to those with whom they come in contact. There is no reason why the people of God who are in places of honor and trust should fail to give honor to Christ Jesus. They may serve the Lord acceptably in a field where others do not enter. They contact those whom the preacher never sees. Professional Men May Testify CoL 4:14 What miracles of grace would be wrought if doctors, lawyers, dentists, and other professional men would present Christ Jesus as the answer to the needs of those whom they serve. These men tell the laws that govern the human body and human relationships. It would be so easy and certainly apropos if they would also tell of the loveliness of the service which Christ Jesus would render to all who wish for it. Society should be per­ meated with the messages from profes­ sional men and women about Christ. T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


The teacher's dream comes true.

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SHARON RECORDS X 501 Down From His Glory; Ail That Thrills My Soul (Norman Nelson, Lyric Tenor) X 508 I’d Rather Have Jesus; His Eye Is On The Sparrow (Viola Anderson, vocalist) X514 The King’s Business; Holy, Holy Is What The Angels Sing (John Lundberg, Tenor) X 607 On A Rugged Hill; Jesus Give Me a Song (Charles Turner, Tenor) X 604 Hiding In Thee; At the Cross (Haven of Rest Quartet) X518 Great Is Thy Faithfulness; Medley on The Love of God (Westmont • College Quartet) X515 Beneath the Cross of Jesus; Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace; March Triumphant; Onward Christian Soldiers (Sco*« ville Sisters, Instrumental—Marimba, Vibraharp) X530 Beneath the Cross of Jesus; There Is a Green Hill Far Away (Margaret Sanders, Organ) 70 Inch, only Order from S1 05 ADD 25c PER ORDER EA. FOR HANDLING STACEY-HOFER MUSIC P. O . Box 667-C, D'nuba, CaHfí*

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