The Press and The Christian World Radio Luxembourg Evangelist Hyman J. Appelman has recently signed a contract with Radio Luxembourg in Europe to preach by transcription an evangelistic gospel mes sage half an hour every Thursday night beginning in February. Radio Luxemr bourg operates on 200,000 watts and covers 82% of Europe, with a potential listening audience of 34 million. While the p rogram is to be presented in English, plans are under way for an other period of broadcasting during which time Dr. Appelman will preach in Russian, German and Yiddish. Day of Prayer The American Council of Christian Churches suggests that a World Day of Prayer be observed around the globe, February 24, 1950. This is the eighth consecutive year in which the American Council has offered attractive and scrip tural programs to stimulate the time of prayer. The theme for the present year is Lamentations 3:40, “ Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord.” Word of Life Hour There is further expansion of the Word of Life Hour conducted by Jack Wyrtzen. Several new stations have been added to the network, two of which are 50,000 watt stations: WENR of Chicago and KMPC of Los Angeles. The Chicago broadcasting time is Saturday night from 5:00 to 5:30 and the Los Angeles hour 5:30 to 6:00 PM Sunday. Utah Christian Mission Rev. and Mrs. Harry A. McGimsey are missionaries to the Mormons in the Southwest part of the United States where Mormonism has been strong and is growing extensively. These missionaries are publishing vital tracts to place in the hands of Mormon people. As an example of the conditions in the Mormon Empire, Brother McGimsey reports that the Mormon mayor in Phoenix, Ariz., was recently re-elected by a four to one majority over his opponent. A Mighty Warrior Called Home As we go to press, word reaches us of the sudden Home-going on January 11, 1950, of Dr. Walter A. Maier, for over sixteen years the beloved Lutheran Hour radio minister, on leave from Concordia Lutheran Seminary of St. Louis, Mis souri. Absolutely fearless in his proclamation of the gospel, and in his denunciation of the sins of the day, the loss of this Second Luther is a blow to the church of Christ from which she will not soon recover. A fuller account of his life and work will appear in a later issue. Page Five
to realize that only through God and the working of the Holy Spirit could anything of eternal value be accom plished. To begin with, there were no funds, no outline of policy and no place for training, but all of these things were met in answer to prayer, and the story of the success of this army of approxi mately 30 young people is truly amazing and far too long for these columns. It has long been the policy of the Mormon people to send their young people for at least two years on what they call “ a mission.” This mission is spent in some designated area propa gandizing for the Mormon church and support is furnished by relatives and friends. May there not be some merit in a mission of this sort where Christian young people who are able to go could give a year of their lives to such a mis sion? Support for this purpose would easily be forthcoming, and one of the principles of the mission would be very simple and economical living. In this way progress would be made toward breaking down the idea of profession alism that has taken such a strong hold on Christian work today. Also there would be a revival of New Testament house-to-house lay evangelism which was so wonderfully productive of results for the kingdom of God in the early days of the church. This is truly something upon which to ponder. Alumni Notes We are very desirous of completing our Alumni files, and we would be very grateful if graduates of the Bible Insti tute of Los Angeles or former students would send in their present addresses to the Alumni Office. We are constantly in receipt of in quiries regarding former students and graduates, and this work can be greatly expedited by correct addresses. If any one has the present address of former students or graduates who may not be receiving The King’s Business, it would be greatly appreciated if they would send us the information. Summer Vacations It is not too early to begin to plan for a summer vacation. One of the excellent movements that has risen during the past few years is the summer Bible Con ference movement. Hundreds of excel lent Bible Conferences are held in many beautiful spots the country over each summer. A Bible Conference is an excel lent combination of physical relaxation and spiritual refreshment for a vacation. In this connection let us remind you that the Bible Institute Conference will be held again this year at beautiful Mount Hermon in central California, August 13 to 20. Inquiries regarding this Confer ence should be addressed to the Exten sion Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 S. Hope St., Los An geles 13, California.
glory of God? Will men and women learn to love the Lord more through my indulgence in this thing?” Anything which brings a negative reply should be scrutinized very cloeely. The Christian passes through life only once and every day presents golden opportunities which shall never come again. This principle is set forth em phatically in First Corinthians 10:31 and Colossians 3:17. The Pope’s Invitation I N his Christmas message last year, Pope Pius again mentioned a cardinal point in the Roman Catholic philosophy of religion. It has long been the Roman Catholic belief that theirs was the only true church and that all other denomina tions were either heretic or schismatic. Now at the inception of the Catholic Church’s holy year the Pope has asked all communists, Jews, dissenters, schis matics, sinners and atheists to return to the only true church in anticipation of forgiveness and reconciliation. News Week reported that this was an invita tion to all men to return to “ God and the Church of Rome.” With the return to God we are in full accord. Certainly the world has wan dered far away from the right kind of a God-honoring life. Here is a message which may well be proclaimed from pulpits and housetops, that mankind in true contrition and on bended knee ought to approach the God of his fathers. But to return to God and the Roman Catholic Church is an absolute impossibility. We believe the Word of God shows the ten ets of Rome to be worlds away from the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ. The dogma upon which the present Roman Catholic Church rests is as far from the fundamental principles of the New Test ament as day is from night. The doctrines of auricular confession, prayers to saints, works of merit, purgatory and the like are absolutely foreign to the teachings of the Scriptures. So let the invitation be: Let us all return to God, both Protestants and Catholics. Let us all don the robes of genuine repentance and let us cry out mightily to God asking for His f o r g iv e ness. God’s Invasion Army R ECENTLY a fresh approach to the problem of evangelism has been presented by a group of Baptist young people calling themselves God’s Invasion Army. It was laid upon the hearts of some Christian women to suggest to young people that they take a year out of their lives and form a team to go from house to house in a genuine evangelistic effort. Luring this year they were to be with out financial remuneration. Their ex penses were to be made known but they were to go forth on faith, depending upon prayer to bring in the necessary funds. Most of the volunteers had no special training and each one was made F E B R U A R Y , 1 9 5 0
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