Studies Prove Results Come From Physical Therapy

Service Spotlight

RELIEF FOR JAW PAIN We’ve seen an increase in patients coming to Advantage Therapy for TMJ dysfunction or pain in the face, jaw, and neck related to a similar issue. Many people are unaware that physical therapy can help these types of symptoms! “TMJ is a complex issue not only involving the jaw, but also the craniosacral system, musculature, tooth alignment, posture, and habits,” says Susan Grimshaw, MS, PT. “Manual therapy as well as certain types of remedial exercises are some of the most promising and helpful means to correct these types of jaw problems.” ICE IS FOR INJURIES : Calming down damaged superficial tissues that are inflamed, red, hot and swollen. The inflammatory process is a healthy, normal, natural process that also happens to be incredibly painful and more biologically stubborn than it needs to be. Icing is mostly just amild, drug-less way of dulling the pain of inflammation. A freshly pulled muscle or a new case of IT band syndrome are perfect examples of when to ice an ache. HEAT IS FOR MUSCLES, CHRONIC PAIN, AND STRESS : Taking the edge off the pain of whole muscle spasms and trigger points, or conditions that are often dominated by them, like back pain and neck pain), for soothing the nervous system and the mind (stress and fear are major factors in many chronic pain problems, of course).

TMJ sufferers can struggle with speaking, eating, and sleeping. If you or someone you know is dealing with face, jaw, or neck pain - tell them to call Advantage first! Our expert therapists treat TMJ at all four Advantage Therapy clinics. Don’t forget, dentists CAN refer patients to physical therapy!


Health & Wellness Tips When To Use Ice & Heat

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