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2. Keep to the Plan The best way to clear snow is by plopping the shovel down and walking with it in front of you. Use both hands on the handle ensuring your core muscles are engaged to prevent your lower back from arching and to increase your strength. When you allow your hips and your shoulders to face the same direction, your back is much happier. Now, the plan is to clear straight lines of snow so you need to map out the area you're shoveling for maximum efficiency. If it's a standard driveway, first clear one long strip down the middle then flip your shovel over and spread this pile of snow out along the end of the drive. Next, clear the left side of the driveway by walking from the middle strip to the left edge of the driveway and simply pushing your shovel forward to dump the snow over the edge. Repeat this until you get to the end of the driveway then use the same technique to clear the right side.
Possibly the most dreaded of the winter chores is shoveling snow. For some, it’s synonymous with back pain, but it doesn't have to be! By keeping these three easy concepts in mind, you can clear the driveway pain-free. 1. Get Warm Don't shock the body! With shoveling, you're introducing freezing temperatures and heavy loads at the same time. Start with walking a few laps around your home with your jacket on to get the blood flowing and warmth built up. If you're already seeing a physical therapist, perform your home exercises before you go out. If you don't have a tailored exercise routine, consult with a physical therapist to get some core activation exercises that will save your back and make the job easier.
Shoveling shorter strips like this should prevent this problem, but if the snow is deep and starts to spill over the edge of the shovel onto the part you've already cleared, then start by using only half the width of your shovel to clear the snow so that the other half can collect the snow as it spills over. 3. No Need for Throwing Snow! Notice in the instructions above, there’s no mention of lifting a shovel full of snow and tossing it anywhere. If you’re used to doing weighted motions like this from your workout routine, then you’ll be equipped to handle lifting and throwing snow from your shovel. On the other hand, if your back is prone to being sore, then just remember that tossing snow from your shovel is not necessary to get the job done. If you need to be able to lift a shovel full of snow pain-free, then email info@bodygears. com to request help from a physical therapist.
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