When You Hurt More Than Your Pride Slipping on the Ice
Whetheryou're iceskatingor justwalkingdown the sidewalk, slipping and falling becomes muchmorecommonplace in thewintermonths. While most people become instantly aware of major injuries, it's possible for other injuries to fly under the radar. The most notable of these is falling on your tailbone and changing its regular resting orientation. Known by PTs as thecoccyx, your tailbone isan anchor point for the protective sheath around your spinal cord and various muscles, including
those of the pelvic floor and the glute max. Forthosewho injuretheirtailbonesafterslipping and falling, this storyline is not uncommon: a bit of bottom soreness for a few days that eventually resolves but is followed by an onset of hip or lower back pain several weeks or even months later as unfamiliar tension created by the coccyx affects the neural sheath and muscle function. Some people have even been known to end up with foot or neck problems all from landing on their tailbones.
Suffice it to say, if you fall on your bottom, don't ignore that soreness! Get it checked out by a well-trained physical therapist before it develops into something worse. If you slip on the ice this winter, take advantage of a FREE injury screen with one of our physical therapists.Justvisitourwebsiteoremail info@ bodygears.com to make a request. ®
www.bodygears.com Exercise of theMonth Try this movement to improve your balance and core strength
Staff Spotlight
Dr. Lindsay Jana, PT, DPT, Lindsay earned her Doctor of PhysicalTherapy degree from Long Island University inBrooklyn,NY.ShealsohasaBachelorof Science Degree with a double major in Psychology and Human Services from Loyola University Chicago. Lindsay is a manual orthopedic physical therapist who is experienced with Functional Dry
Needling. She is also a Women’s Health Therapist experienced with pelvic floor rehabilitation and is able to help women with a variety of pelvic health issues as well as prenatal and postpartum needs. Certifications and Training: • Doctor of Physical Therapy • Licensed Physical Therapist by the State of Illinois • APTA/IPTA Member • Women’s Health Therapist • Functional Dry Needling, Level 1 and Functional Therapeutics
Speed Skater
Standing Hip Extension with Theraband: Place a Theraband around your ankles and stand with your feet hip distance apart. Ensure both sides of your pelvis stay facing forward by keeping your core engaged as you bring one leg behind you without arching your back. Give your glute muscles a squeeze and try building your way up to 3 sets of 10 reps on each leg.
Education: Long Island University 2012-2015 • Doctorate in Physical Therapy Loyola University 2008-2012 • Bachelor of Psychology and Human Services
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