Kappa Journal Spring Issue (Spring 2017)


While Brother Meeks basks in the glory of surviving the “Final Four” the rest of us will do like we normally do, root for our brother and pass the loving cup on his behalf. Here’s to Brother Meeks!

birth, Reclaim, Recommit, By Leaving No Brother Behind. The program speaker was Rev. Dr. Gerald L. Durley, Senior Pastor Emeri- tus of the historic Providence Missionary Baptist Church in Atlanta. Rev. Durley earned his PhD in Urban Education and Psychology from the University of Mas- sachusetts. He was also one of the first volunteers from the US Peace Corps in Nigeria. Rev. Durley participated in the Civil Rights Movement with Martin Lu- ther King Jr. Since 2011, he has been part of the International Civil Rights: Walk of Fame. In July 2015, his work on climate change was recognized by the White House. He spoke eloquently about the dedi- cation required to overcome the many ob- stacles that may impede Kappa’s future. He illustrated how the effort needed for

the fraternity’s continued growth must be on level with the dedication superior athletes use to achieve despite adversity. During this great occasion we hon- ored Brother Gonzalo Paul Curiel, Unit- ed States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of California. I am sure that the attention Brother Curiel has received as presiding judge over the Trump Univer- sity litigation has made us proud, know- ing that our brother renders judgements fairly and in compliance with the law. Also, we honored Mayor Kasim Reed of Atlanta. Kasim Reed is the 59 th Mayor of the City of Atlanta. He was elected to second term in 2013 and took the oath of office on January 6, 2014. Elected with a clear mandate for fiscal reform, Mayor Reed has increased core city services and reduced the City’s spending during the

worst recession in 80 years.

The Banquet was a huge success thanks to the dedication and hard work of the local planning team. My brothers, we are in the midst of final planning for the 83 rd Grand Chap- ter Meeting in Orlando, Florida in July 2017. Our planning includes your full participation. Our brothers in the Orlan- do and Winter Park Alumni Chapters are working on our behalf to make sure you are proud of this conclave.

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