Ranges and New Products for 2021

Bomb Ca lor ime t er TDX00B

This compact fuel calorimeter (bomb calorimeter) is for the hands-on investigation of energy gained from burning different fuels, either in liquid or solid form, within a safe, student-friendly contained receptacle.

L earn i ng Outcomes : • Appreciation of the energy content of different fuels gained through burning very small quantities in a safe environment • Understanding the concept of a bomb calorimeter and seeing the conversion of chemical energy into heat energy • Learning how to measure the energy content of different types of fuel • Central fuel-ignited crucible surrounded by a water jacket to absorb the heat of combustion • Control box, including control and measurement instrumentation • Solid or liquid fuels can be used

Made under one roof The Made Under One Roof series of videos provides an insight into the design and manufacturing processes at TecQuipment.

Sparks F ly Hydrology and Ra i nfa l l Apparatus Copper P i pe i n Manufacture

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