

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that causes mucus to build up in the organs of the body, and people with the disease don’t reject this mucus like healthy people do. The buildup can cause respiratory infections, breathing problems, chronic lung disease, malnutrition, and poor growth. CF impacts Antoine’s daily life even when he’s comparatively healthy. If he contracts a respiratory infection due to being more susceptible, his routine is disrupted with even more hospital visits and medication. i8FIBWFNVMUJQMFBQQPJOUNFOUTQFSZFBS to see if everything’s going well. There’s a crew of doctors we see every three months, and we’ve had multiple visits to the hospital because he’s more susceptible to infec- tions,” Aupry said. “At home he’s taking all sorts of medication and we’re doing physio treatments every day. If he gets an infection, he’ll have to do some treatments with a medicated steam mask he has to breathe in for thirty minutes, twice a day.” There is currently no cure for CF, but Aupry hopes that this fundraiser will make a difference for research into the disease. The “Dance for CF” will take place on April 29 from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Camille-Piché $PNNVOJUZ$FOUFSJO&NCSVO5JDLFUTBSF $15 online and $20 at the door, with a limit of 400 people at a time. The staff of the Pearson Street food truck will be preparing food for purchase in the community centre kitchen, and the bar will be open for adults to purchase alcohol. All proceeds will go to Cystic Fibrosis Canada.

Depuis cinq ans, Christiane Aupry sensibilise le public à la mucoviscidose et collecte des fonds pour cette maladie. -photo fournie


“This charity is really close to my heart since my son Antoine has this disease. He was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis when he was six weeks old,” Aupry said. “Five years ago, I started speaking for CF on behalf of health partners, and I’ve also participated in UIF8BMLUP.BLF$ZTUJD'JCSPTJT)JTUPSZ*N raising money from this event for that walk.”

Local mother Christiane Aupry is organi- zing a fundraising event to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis Canada. It’s a DJed dance party called “Dance for CF”, something that Aupry said she thought would be fun for everyone to attend. She hopes to raise enough money that the donation will make a difference.

Christiane Aupry’s son Antoine was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at six weeks old, and since then she’s worked to raise awareness and funds to help find a cure.



UISPVHIMFHJTMBUJPOBQQSPWFECZUIF.JLF Harris Progressive Conservative government. The stated intent of the Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act is to provide transparency about local and provincial government spen- ding as part their annual budgets. Alberta has also published an annual Sunshine List TJODFXIJMFUIF/PWB4DPUJB4VOTIJOF List information has been available since 2016. The figures provided in the Sunshine List include the combined total of salary, benefits and severance paid out to someone on the list. The 2023 Ontario Sunshine List is available for reviewing at https://www.

The 2023 Ontario Sunshine List is now available for all residents and taxpayers in the province to review. The provincial government has posted its annual listing of all public sector employees who earn annual salaries of $100,00 or more. The list includes municipal and pro- vincial government employees, hospital and other health care agency staff, emergency services personnel, school district staff, and employees in other non-government public sector agencies that receive part of their funding from the province. The Ontario Sunshine List began in 1996

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