Virtual Re-Opening Training Book FINAL FILES

GENERAL ECONOMIC CONDITIONS  Whether or not an additional stimulus package is passed by Congress and signed by the President prior to the end of September and the magnitude and characteristics of the package  The outcome of the national and of state elections in terms of divided government, removal or reelection of incumbents and whatever “mandate” is widely considered to have been given to those elected  Momentum during the lame-duck period for the current elected officials to lock in or out changes by their replacements if the new government will have significant changes in power sharing  Customer traffic and spending trends four to eight weeks after the resumption of limited or full-scale business  The status of international trade agreements and temporary international pandemic-related restrictions  Discipline amongst oil producing nations in controlling output to support costs  The degree to which the financial community responds to increased risk and decreased debt repayment issues by tightening qualifications for lending  The speed and proportion of rehiring by employers as business restrictions are eased  The degree to which lawsuits over infections, employee safety and insurance distribution spread and become publicized or are preempted  Back-to-school, Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales figures  The speed with which hazard-pay increases for essential workers are rolled back and the amount of employee, public and governmental resistance to the rollbacks  Unemployment rates, major employer closures and local government budget cuts in your immediate area  Vacation travel and lodging industry performance nationally and in your area from July through October TRIBAL ECONOMIES  Indian-specific elements of any new stimulus legislation  Funding levels for all major components of the federal budget affecting Indian country in the next three years  Implications of national and statewide election results for hot button political issues related to tribes and general economic policy  Success in completing the 2020 census accurately, particularly tribal member participation  Formal actions at the federal level to encourage domestic production, repatriate manufacturing and diversify supply chains



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